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E-cigarettes, e-cigarettes are associated with increased risk of cavities, tooth decay

E-cigarettes, e-cigarettes are associated with increased risk of cavities, tooth decay
E-cigarettes, e-cigarettes are associated with increased risk of cavities, tooth decay


Close-up of a large e-cigarette in a person's hand with vapor smokeShare on Pinterest
New cross-sectional study shows e-cigarettes or vapes are associated with higher risk of tooth decay and tooth decay.Abd Latif Mohd Shaafily/EyeEm/Getty Images
  • E-cigarettes, also called vapes, contain potentially harmful chemicals.
  • Research is starting, but we still don’t know the full impact of how e-cigarettes affect health, especially oral health.
  • A new cross-sectional study found that e-cigarette use was associated with an increased risk of tooth decay.
  • Although the results are preliminary, the study authors suggest that e-cigarettes should be added to dental health questionnaires and included as a factor in increased caries risk.

Electronic Cigarette, or vapes, are battery-powered devices that use a heat source to produce an aerosol from a liquid. Aerosols produced by e-cigarettes are inhaled into the lungs. Vape e-liquids are available with or without nicotine and may also contain cannabis-derived compounds.

Worldwide, it is estimated that 58.1 million People used Ark products in 2018.

E-cigarette aerosols contain potentially harmful substances such as nicotine, heavy metals, and flavorings. Diacetyl — Chemicals associated with abnormal lung function and lung disease.according to CDCMore research is needed to understand the health effects of e-cigarette products.

still small 2022 case study Four participants found an association between 3 to 8 years of e-cigarette use and symptomatic chronic lung disease, such as small airway fibrosis and constrictive bronchiolitis. The study authors observed symptom improvement in participants who quit vaping.

Moreover, recent research found an association between e-cigarette use and vascular injury.

Furthermore, another 2021 Survey found that e-cigarette users have different oral microbiomes compared to those who smoke or do not smoke e-cigarettes. Microorganisms present in e-cigarette smokers are associated with periodontitis, a severe gum infection that is also found in conventional cigarette smokers.

Now, a new study from Tufts University School of Dentistry has found a link between e-cigarette use and an increased risk of tooth decay, commonly known as tooth decay. Specifically, those who reported using e-cigarettes had a higher risk of developing tooth decay than those who reported not using e-cigarettes.

The study was completed on November 23rd. Journal of the American Dental Association.

To assess the association between e-cigarette use and caries risk, the research team collected data from people who attended a dental clinic at Tufts University School of Dentistry between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2022. Collected.

Participants must be 16 years or older, have a diagnosis of dental caries, Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) recorded and answered yes or no to a health questionnaire asking whether they used e-cigarettes.

Participants were excluded from the study if they had no cavities or answered “yes” to recreational drug use.

The research team divided the target participants into three age groups.

  • 16-25 years old
  • 26-40 years old
  • Over 40

Data from a total of 13,098 participants were included in the study. Of these, 91 reported using e-cigarettes and 13,007 reported not using e-cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

Researchers used patient record software to calculate participants’ cavity risk levels as low, medium, or high.

Among all participants who reported not using e-cigarettes:

  • 14.5% had a lower caries risk
  • 25.9% were at moderate risk
  • 59.7% were at high risk

Among those who reported using e-cigarettes:

  • 6.6% had a lower caries risk
  • 14.3% were at moderate risk
  • 79.1% were at high risk

Among those who reported not using e-cigarettes:

  • 6.3% are 16-25 years old
  • 32.6% are 26-40 years old
  • 61.1% are over 40 years old

Among those who reported vaping:

  • 19.1% are 16-25 years old
  • 52.9% are 26-40 years old
  • 27.9% are over 40 years old

“This study looked at patient records and found that those who reported using e-cigarettes/vapes had a significantly higher risk of developing caries than those who did not use vape/e-cigarettes. I understand.” Karina Irusaan assistant professor of comprehensive care at Tufts University School of Dentistry, told Healthline.

According to this study, the authors suggest that e-cigarette or e-cigarette use should be included in regular dental history questionnaires and listed as one of the factors that increase the risk of tooth decay.

Still, the study had limitations. for example:

  • The study was cross-sectional and relied on patient records.
  • Vape use was self-reported, and the small number of people who reported vaping use may have skewed the statistical analysis.
  • The authors stated that drug use was generally associated with poor oral hygiene and increased sugar intake.
  • Caries risk is influenced by socioeconomic factors, which were not considered in this study.

“The current hypothesis is that inhaling vapours may dry out your mouth and destroy the ability of saliva to self-cleanse,” explains Irusa. “We also believe that smoking e-cigarettes alters oral bacteria and promotes the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay.”

However, Ilsa said the study’s results are preliminary and there is limited information about how e-cigarettes can cause tooth decay.

“We are currently in the process of raising funds to further investigate the exact mechanisms by which e-cigarette/vape use influences spoilage initiation and transmission,” she said.

David FrankDMD, owner and founder of Walden Dental, told Healthline that most vape products or e-cigarettes contain nicotine and other harmful chemical byproducts.

“When you inhale with a vape pen, your gums and teeth are in a direct line of these dangerous chemicals. Frank explained.

“A dry mouth increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Caries-causing bacteria are more likely to stick to teeth, as in a dry environment, which contributes to tooth decay and cavities.”

Frank said that in his practice, he observed oral health and dental problems in people who reported using e-cigarettes.

“We usually see an increase in gingivitis and periodontal disease (significant gum and bone inflammation with loss of attachment).

“Some of these patients may need more frequent cleanings to reduce the level of inflammation in their mouths.”

Irusa told Healthline that she believes e-cigarettes containing cannabis compounds like THC may also increase the risk of tooth decay.

“This research was inspired by the initials. case series It was published with two other researchers in 2020,” said Irusa.

“In this series of cases, we observed three patients with a highly atypical pattern of severe weakness, all of whom reported avid use of e-cigarettes. [or] E-cigarettes containing liquids containing THC. A definitive statement cannot be made based on these three patients, but they may be relevant.

Frank explained that when tooth decay leads to tooth decay, it increases the risk of needing continued dental care for that tooth for the rest of your life.

“All types of dental treatment for natural teeth must be replaced over time if recurrent caries has formed around or under restorations such as fillings, crowns and onlays.” said Frank.

“Smoking e-cigarettes dries your mouth, [the] .

In Frank’s practice, e-cigarette smokers recommend fluoride varnishing at the end of cleaning. This may help “protect and maintain enamel from acidity damage from e-cigarette chemical byproducts like propylene glycol.”

Irusa recommends e-cigarette smokers visit their dentists regularly to make sure they are “taking the proper precautions.”

“I encourage meticulous oral hygiene, which involves brushing and flossing with a fluoride-containing toothpaste at least twice a day,” says Irusa.

Ultimately, however, Frank recommends that people should avoid smoking e-cigarettes and using inhaled or orally-delivered nicotine products.

E-cigarettes and cannabis products are becoming increasingly popular despite the health risks.

The full effects of e-cigarette use are not fully understood, but new research warns of potential harm to the body.

A new study found that e-cigarette use increases the risk of cavities and tooth decay. This could lead dental hygienists to ask people about e-cigarettes.

If you smoke or smoke tobacco or other nicotine-containing products via e-cigarette and are interested in quitting, the National Cancer Institute and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggest: means it can help. You can also consult a medical professional for further guidance.




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