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Role of Mutant p53 in Enhanced Atherosclerosis

Role of Mutant p53 in Enhanced Atherosclerosis


A transparent blue image of a human heart with beat monitoring to show that electrocardiogram results can predict diabetes
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There is new evidence that there are mutations in p53 Contributes to the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Valentin Fuster, president of Mount Sinai Heart and Chief Physician of Mount Sinai Hospital, said these findings “explain how acquired mutations in blood cells, a phenomenon called clonal hematopoiesis, act as cardiovascular risk factors.” It expands our knowledge of what to do,” he said. , and author of the report.

new studywas published in Nature cardiovascular researchThe project was carried out by a team from Spain’s National Cardiovascular Research Center (CNIC) in collaboration with several US laboratories.

It has long been known that age-related clonal hematopoiesis is a common condition and is in part associated with an increased risk of hematological cancers and increased all-cause mortality. probably Because it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Every day, adults generate hundreds of thousands of blood cells, leading to mutations in progenitor cells. increase the risk ofThe role of p53 in cancer is well known Studied.

Working with groups led by Derek Klarin of Stanford University, Pradeep Natarajan of Massachusetts General Hospital, and Alexander Bick of Vanderbilt University, these scientists analyzed sequencing data from more than 50,000 blood cells.

“Carriers of acquired mutations in p53 are at increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and peripheral artery disease, and this effect is in contrast to established cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and elevated blood cholesterol. It turned out to be irrelevant,” explained José Javier Fuster.

Scientists next performed functional studies in an animal model of atherosclerosis into which the cells were introduced. p53 mutation.

They found that mice with these mutations developed cardiovascular disease more rapidly. This is primarily due to an abnormally increased proliferation rate of immune cells in the arterial walls. This study shows that p53 mutations are the underlying cause of most cardiovascular diseases and also promote the development of atherosclerosis, a leading cause of death worldwide.

“Combining observations in humans with studies in animals provides robust evidence that these mutations increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease,” said José Javier Fuster.

A previous study by the same group had already demonstrated it in 2021. article of Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) says that some of these mutations, such as those affecting the TET2 gene, contribute to the development of cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis and heart failure.

“In addition to validating that previous study, our new results now highlight our findings to include mutations in p53 and the development of peripheral arterial disease, a condition that is particularly common in the elderly population.” We are extending our findings,” said José Javier Fuster.

Researchers emphasize that mutations in different genes contribute to cardiovascular disease through different mechanisms. “In the future, this could be used to design individualized prevention strategies targeted at the specific effects of different mutations,” said one of the study’s co-authors. Her CNIC scientist Nuria Matesanz said.




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