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best foods for gut health

best foods for gut health
best foods for gut health


Food that enters the body not only satisfies the palate, but also nourishes the trillions of organisms that live in the gut. eat rightyou reap the rewards of physical and mental health, and feeding your gut the wrong thing can actually harm the little creatures that live in your gastrointestinal tract.

The idea of ​​having tiny creatures living in your stomach might seem a little unnerving, but these are useful, or good, bacteria. You may not know it, but your gut bacteria help your body digest food and absorb the nutrients it needs. digestive health plays an important role in immune function, mental health.

We spoke with two registered dietitians — Tamara Freuman, nutritionist at the New York Gastroenterology Associates and author of the forthcoming book Regular. Alyssa Lavy Nutrition & Wellness, A personal practice focused on digestive health—on the importance of gut health and the best foods to nourish your microbiome.

A pile of oat flakes on a white background
Eating oats increases the number of intestinal bacteria.Nora Carroll Photography/Getty Images

What is gut health?

The term “gut health” is trending on social media, but you might be surprised to learn that there is no precise definition for the term. When experts discuss gut health, they usually refer to the microbiome, or the trillions of microbes that live in your gut and affect your overall health.

“The composition and health of the gut microbiome is associated with a variety of health conditions both inside and outside the gastrointestinal tract,” says Duker Freumann. “[Poor gut health] It is associated with an increased risk of metabolic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal cancer (especially colon cancer), frailty, mood disorders, and type 2 diabetes. nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseadds Duker Freumann.Conversely, a healthy gut reduce Chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, and cardiovascular disease.

How do you ensure a healthy gut?

There are multiple ways to control the composition of your gut flora, including what you eat and what you don’t. “The American Gut Project, the largest study to examine the human microbiome, found that increased plant diversity within the diet was associated with increased microbial diversity,” says Lavy. .RResearch suggests that the most diverse microbiomes are more resilient and stable. On the contrary, diets high in ultra-processed foods, sugar and saturated fat linked It reduces gut diversity and favors bacteria that are significantly associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

It probably comes as no surprise that the best foods for gut health are plant-based and low in saturated fat and sugar. However, Duker Freumann emphasizes that: Eating beans once during a blue moon does not have magically transformative effects on gut health.

According to both nutritionists, you need to regularly dish out these eight foods to build a healthy gut.

high fiber food

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate known for its role in keeping the digestive system moving. There are two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and gels during digestion. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools and helps food pass through the digestive tract. Both types of fiber are necessary components of the diet and contribute to intestinal health.

Fiber is found in a wide variety of plant-based foods and is particularly powerful in:

  • Vegetables, especially broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potatoes in the skin, kale
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)
  • Fruits, especially pears with skin, apples with skin, berries
  • nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains such as brown rice, farro, beary, quinoa and wheatberries
Kiwi macro, slices of fresh kiwi fruit used for background
Kiwi contains actinidin, an enzyme that is beneficial to intestinal bacteria.banjongseal324/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Two plant-based foods with significant fiber are:


Oats are known for their soluble fiber, which can improve stool consistency and bowel regularity. “I’m sorry,” says Lavy.Research review It claims that eating oats increases the number of bacteria in the gut, reduces intestinal permeability, and increases short-chain fatty acids that fight inflammation.


This deliciously sweet green fruit contains vitamin C, potassium and 2 grams of fiber per kiwi. In addition to fiber, kiwi contains other compounds that help maintain a regular life. “recently research show [kiwi] It may help improve motility and stool consistency, likely due to actinidin, an enzyme found in the fruit.

probiotic food

Probiotics are live microorganisms that live in your gut and may provide health benefits. The most common probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. They occur during the fermentation process that occurs when making foods such as tempeh, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha.Microbes are also added to yogurt to break down the sugar lactose into lactic acid.

The following foods are rich in probiotics.


Have you ever noticed that one of the ingredients in yogurt is a “live, vigorous culture”? These are the living organisms that ferment dairy products to make yogurt and its familiar tangy cousin, kefir. bacteria. “Fermented foods have their own diverse and unique microbial populations that may provide temporary health benefits as they pass through the gut on their way out the proverbial back door,” says Duker Freumann. . plus, research found that fermentation releases bioactive peptides (organic substances) that may lower cholesterol.

sauerkraut and kimchi

Both of these tangy condiments are made from cabbage that has been fermented in a salty mixture. It contains probiotics Boosts immune response and reduces inflammation.not to mention the study Studies in mice suggest that probiotics found in kimchi may help treat inflammatory bowel disease, but more research is needed.


If you’ve never eaten tempeh before, say hello to one of your new favorite plant-based proteins. Tempeh is a fermented soy product blended with grains (usually rice) and formed into solid blocks. Although research on tempeh is limited, one study Eating this soy product has been suggested to increase beneficial bacteria in the gut.another interesting study Elderly participants were given tempe-derived probiotics in the form of a supplement for 12 weeks. found to increase

Bananas are rich in prebiotic fiber and resistant starch, carbohydrates that help the colon.
Bananas are rich in prebiotic fiber and resistant starch, carbohydrates that help the colon.Getty Images

prebiotic food

Prebiotics are fibers that nourish the microbes in your gut. Eating these fibers helps the probiotics in your gut thrive and grow. It is found in some plant foods.

Here are three standouts that are rich in prebiotics.


“Beans support a healthy gut microbiome, especially through prebiotic fiber that nourishes some of the microbes that produce short-chain fatty acids,” says Duker Freumann. lowers colonic pH, plays a role in colon cancer prevention, and inhibits disease-causing bacterial species,” adds Duker Freuman. plus, Recent research Some types of beans have also been suggested to improve the integrity of the intestinal wall, preventing bacteria from getting too close to the lining of the intestinal wall and triggering immune cells. It goes without saying that it is wide.


Artichokes are also rich in prebiotic fiber, which “selectively nourishes health-promoting members of the microbiome, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species,” says Duker Freumann. She adds that these microbes stimulate intestinal cells to secrete mucus and improve mucosal barrier function. They also produce short-chain fatty acids that promote an anti-inflammatory environment throughout the gut.


It’s time to stop avoiding this starchy fruit that benefits gut health. constipation treatmentBananas contain prebiotic fiber and resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that is slowly absorbed and fermented in the large intestine.


“It makes more sense to think about your overall dietary pattern for gut health than about specific foods,” says Duker Freumann.In other words, these foods are great for gut health, but you don’t have to limit yourself to them. your meal plan.

Duker Freumann also states that a diverse diet full of plant-based foods is best for overall gut health, so choose the high-fiber foods you enjoy the most. A healthy and regular diet promotes long-term gut health,” says Duker Freumann. “There are no shortcuts here.”




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