A new blood test can tell if you need chemotherapy
- Researchers say a new liquid biopsy blood test could help determine if chemotherapy is needed after surgery for colorectal cancer.
- They say the test could help avoid the negative side effects of chemotherapy.
- The researchers also plan to study the test’s effectiveness against other types of cancer.
liquid biopsyblood tests that can detect small pieces of DNA, RNA, or other molecules released by tumor cells continue to mark advances in cancer research.
For example, through years of research, researchers have discovered that these molecules can identify cancer at an early stage.
They are also reportedly able to identify new targets in the blood that could possibly lead to new treatments.
These tests also demonstrate the ability to determine cancer staging and help assess how aggressive a cancer regimen should be.
It is also clear that oncologists can help determine which cancer treatments are most effective and which ones are unnecessary.
Researchers used a liquid biopsy test from Natera, a U.S.-based diagnostic and genetic testing company, to determine whether study subjects would need chemotherapy after surgery.
For many years, the treatment protocol for colorectal cancer was surgical removal of the cancer followed by additional chemotherapy.
However, in most cases, doctors cannot predict whether this treatment will help.
This paper galaxy arm An overview of the ongoing CIRCULATE-Japan trial. This study is one of the largest and most comprehensive prospective studies of minimal residual disease (MRD) testing in resectable colorectal cancer.
In this study, 1,039 patients with stage 2-4 resectable colorectal cancer were prospectively monitored using the Signatera MRD test.
In an interview with Healthline, Dr. Minetta LiuNatera’s Chief Medical Officer of Oncology said the findings from this study demonstrate the predictive and prognostic power of circulating tumor DNA testing in early-stage colorectal cancer.
“Signatera works by measuring minute amounts of tumor DNA in the blood. It provides evidence that supports our ability to reliably identify patients, potentially saving thousands of people from the harmful side effects of chemotherapy,” Liu said.
“This is one of the most exciting developments to occur in oncology over the past year, and will soon change the way oncologists treat patients with early-stage disease, ushering in a new era of personalized cancer management. I will,” she added.
Natera plans to demonstrate Signatera’s clinical utility in multiple other tumor types, and plans to publish several peer-reviewed studies later this year, Liu said.
Oncologists believe this blood test is a new and effective way for colorectal cancer patients to avoid chemotherapy.
Dr. Michael ChoiA medical oncologist at the University of California, San Diego Health, who was not involved in the study, told Healthline he was impressed with the results.
“This is a legitimate use for this liquid biopsy,” Choi said. “There may still be a way to go for certain uses. Specifically, these tests are not yet good enough to replace colonoscopies. I’m sure it’s an appropriate usage.”
Meanwhile, the principal investigator of the study Dr. Takayuki Yoshino Kashiwa City, Chiba National Cancer Center Hospital East Press release “Until now, oncologists have not had adequate tools to determine which colorectal cancer patients are likely to benefit from adjuvant systemic therapy.”
“This study provides strong evidence that Signatera MRD-positive patients greatly benefit from adjuvant therapy, while MRD-negative patients may be safely observed regardless of clinical or pathological stage. I will,” he added.
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