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COVID vaccination reduces risk of type 2 diabetes after infection

COVID vaccination reduces risk of type 2 diabetes after infection



Feb 14, 2023 — Vaccination appears to reduce the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes after being infected with COVID, one researcher says. new research was announced in JAMA network open.

Early in the pandemic, people who recovered from COVID infection were more likely to develop diseases such as diabetes for the first time. This study confirms these observations and finds that even as new variants emerge, higher risk persists throughout the pandemic.

“Our results demonstrate that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes after COVID-19 infection is not just an initial observation, but is in fact a real risk that unfortunately persisted throughout the Omicron era. said lead author Alan Kwan, MD. He is a cardiologist at the Smidt Heart Institute in Cedars-Sinai.

Kwan said the trend is concerning because most people in the United States have or will eventually get COVID. At the same time, he and his co-authors found that unvaccinated people had a higher risk of developing diabetes than vaccinated people.

“This research study will help us understand and better prepare for the post-COVID era of cardiovascular risk,” he says.

Kwan et al. analyzed the medical records of approximately 24,000 adult patients with at least one confirmed COVID infection who were treated at the Cedars-Sinai Health System in Los Angeles between March 2020 and June 2022. bottom. The patient reported pressure before and after her first COVID infection, and high lipid levels such as cholesterol).

The research team estimated the probability that either of these would occur 90 days after infection and the probability that it would occur 90 days before infection.

To explain the disruption in healthcare utilization during the pandemic, they compared their findings to the odds of other new diagnoses unrelated to COVID visits, such as urinary tract infections and acid reflux. , gender, timing of infection (before or after the emergence of the omicron subspecies of COVID-19), and whether the patient had received the COVID vaccine.

Overall, new-onset rates of diabetes, hypertension, and high lipid levels were higher 90 days after COVID infection than before. Diabetes had the highest probability of post-infection diagnosis, followed by hypertension.

Additional analyzes showed that the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes remained high after COVID infection.

The total risk for both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients was 2.1%, with a 70% risk occurring after COVID infection versus 30% before COVID exposure.

The risk for unimmunized patients was 2.7%, and 74% occurred after COVID infection compared to 26% before exposure to COVID.

The risk for vaccinated patients was 1%, with 51% occurring after COVID infection versus 49% before COVID exposure.

“These results suggest that pre-infection COVID-19 vaccination may provide protection against diabetes risk,” said Kwan. “Although further research is needed to test this hypothesis, COVID-19 vaccination is an important factor in protecting against COVID-19 and the still uncertain risks people may experience during the post-infection period. I am confident that it will continue to be a valuable tool.”

The researchers found no difference in increased risk based on age, sex, or timing of infection (before and after Omicron). However, some questions remain about other factors such as the severity of COVID infection, the latest variant, and the number of vaccinations.

Additional research is also needed to understand how COVID affects the body and diabetes risk, the authors note. These new developments put people at a higher risk of heart attack and stroke due to damage to blood vessels and organs.

“We don’t know for sure yet, but the trends and patterns we see in the data suggest that COVID-19 infection may be acting in certain contexts, like a catalyst for disease. , which amplifies the risk of diagnoses that individuals may otherwise have received later.Senior author Susan Cheng, M.D., professor of cardiology and director of cardiovascular population science at the Sumit Heart Institute. said in a statement, Dr.

“People who are already at risk for diabetes, rather than being diagnosed with it by age 65, may be more likely to develop diabetes by age 45 or 55 after being infected with COVID-19.




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