Do you have a family history of cancer? | | McLaren Healthcare News

Understanding Your Risks and How to Reduce Your Family’s Risk of a Future Cancer Diagnosis
When a family member undergoes a cancer diagnosis and treatment, they may ask themselves, “Will I get cancer too?” “How can I prevent this from happening?” “What precautions should I take to let my children know?”
There are many routes that can be taken to try to prevent cancer. One way is to get recommended cancer screenings as often as your health care team recommends.Another effort you can explore is genetic counseling and testing.
Up to 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary. Genetic testing allows experts to identify specific mutations in a patient’s genes that may lead to cancer, and helps doctors understand a patient’s risk of developing certain types of cancer due to their genetic makeup. I can. Knowing this allows patients and their physicians to be proactive about their health and to identify prevention, early detection and treatment options should a diagnosis occur.
Which cancers in my family history need attention?
There is no specific list to use, as most cancers are believed to have a genetic component. Common cancers in a patient’s family history with genetic counseling and testing include:
Should genetic counseling and genetic testing be considered?
When considering genetic counseling or genetic testing, it is essential to know who has had cancer in the family and what type of cancer they had. From what you know, do you have:
- How many relatives have the same or related cancers (i.e. multiple relatives with breast, breast, breast, or colon and uterine cancer on the same side of the family)?
- Do you have a personal or family history of rare or unusual cancers such as male breast, ovarian, or pancreatic cancer?
- Do you have a relative with multiple types of cancer?
- Do you have a personal or family history of cancer under the age of 50?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, genetic counseling and genetic testing should be considered.
How does genetic counseling and testing work at Karmanos?
of the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Cancer genetic counseling service is offered in Karmanos Cancer InstituteThe entire Karmanos Cancer Network, which is part of McLaren Healthcare, and at the Karmanos Cancer Institute at the Toledo Clinic Cancer Center in Ohio. Face-to-face, phone and virtual appointments are available.
Karmanos tries to make the process as easy and efficient as possible. A genetic counseling appointment may take 30-45 minutes. During a genetic counseling consultation, the genetic counselor will review the patient’s personal and family history information to determine if genetic testing is appropriate. Provides information about hereditary cancers. It also discusses the genetic testing process, insurance coverage, and the impact of testing on patients and their families.
Patients who meet in person with a genetic counselor and decide to proceed with testing will have blood drawn during the visit.
Test kits are mailed to patients who meet with a genetic counselor online or by phone. From there, follow the enclosed instructions and send the saliva test sample back to the lab with the label provided.
When a test order is placed, the lab will verify insurance, determine the co-payment for the test, and notify the patient prior to performing the test. It takes about 2-3 weeks to get test results. Once finished, the patient’s genetic counselor will contact them by phone to review and discuss the implications of the results.
Depending on the patient’s results, a genetic counselor will provide recommendations to help reduce the risk of developing cancer and to detect cancer at its early and most treatable stages. The patient’s primary care physician also receives these recommendations. Some suggestions include screening for certain types of cancer, possible changes in how often or at what age patients have certain cancer screenings, risk-reducing surgery, certain medications, and recommended diet and exercise. may be included.
Think of genetic testing not only as a way to inform your own risk, but also as a way to inform your family.
Genetic counseling does not require a doctor’s referral, but some insurance companies may require a patient referral. Our genetic counseling services are often covered as well as other specialties. Most insurance companies cover some, if not all, of genetic testing.
For more information about Karmanos Cancer Genetic Counseling Services, please visit: again Contact your local Karmanos Cancer Center.
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 is a federal law that protects people from discrimination based on genetic information in health insurance and employment. There are also state laws that do the same. Genetic counselors can address concerns about genetic discrimination during genetic counseling appointments.
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