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Norovirus outbreak: where are you most at risk?

Norovirus outbreak: where are you most at risk?


(NEXSTAR) — norovirus outbreak currently on the rise nationwide — and somewhat earlier than in previous years.

Health officials say the timing and volume of these outbreaks are not completely unexpected given that the latest outbreaks coincide with the easing of pandemic restrictions.

“Precautions put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic were likely effective in preventing norovirus outbreaks,” said Marisa Lübeck, a health communications expert at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). previously told Nexstar. “As pandemic restrictions have eased, the number of norovirus cases has returned to pre-pandemic levels.”

Nonetheless, illness caused by norovirus infection may be of concern, especially during outbreaks involving young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.

Perhaps more concerning is that long-term health care facilities and hospitals The most common setting for norovirus outbreaks It can come from a variety of sources, including residents, workers, visitors, and contaminated food. For example, between 2009 and 2013, 62.7% of all outbreaks reported through CDC’s National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) occurred in health care facilities.

The elderly are considered to be the most at-risk community as they generally experience longer and more severe illness. can sometimes be fatal Rarely, according to the CDC.

Prevention and timely intervention are especially important in such an environment. There is currently no cure for the infection itself, but rather for its symptoms. Dehydration, one of the most worrisome symptoms, “Most Common Complications Requiring Medical Care” among patients in long-term care facilities, as noted in a study by researchers at the Australian National University and CDC.

Outside of health care facilities, restaurants and catering events are the most common settings for norovirus outbreaks. Outbreaks from such food service establishments were reported between 2009 and 2013, according to the CDC. It accounted for approximately 22% of all outbreaks.

Infected workers who spread norovirus particles are “often the source” of outbreaks and can easily contaminate food through touch, officials say. employees handle prepared foods, and employees can also contaminate prepared foods.

Outbreaks are also somewhat common in childcare facilities and schools, and colleges where students may be at risk of exposure in dormitories and other shared living or learning spaces.

Despite widespread belief to the contrary, cruise ships are not a common setting for norovirus outbreaks. Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)) — a trade group made up of major cruise lines — is even trying to dispel the misconception that norovirus is a ‘cruise ship disease’.

However, the CDC notes that outbreaks on cruise ships can be “especially difficult to control” because passengers share recreation and dining spaces.

Despite being “difficult to control,” norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships are far less common than in long-term care facilities and restaurant settings, according to the CDC. One of the outbreaks affected about 700 passengers on the Carnival Liberty cruise ship that was seen during a cleanup in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (Joe Radle/Getty Images)

Dr. Scott Harris, state health officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, said wherever an outbreak occurred, sick individuals and their caregivers (or those who live with them) should receive appropriate medical care. We warn you to maintain good hygiene and take precautions. , talked with nextstar world In response to recent reports of increasing cases.

Doctors recommend disinfecting common surfaces and washing hands frequently, among other common precautions. Otherwise, there is a significant risk of spreading the disease to vulnerable groups.

“If you’re in an institution like a hospital or a nursing home and you have people who are really vulnerable, we know that it can be severely impacted because of that,” Dr Harris said. rice field.




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