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Protect against tick and mosquito-borne diseases: NCDHHS

Protect against tick and mosquito-borne diseases: NCDHHS

As part of Tick and Mosquito Awareness Month in April, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services launched an annual “Fight the Bite” campaign to educate the public about the dangers of tick- and mosquito-borne illnesses. is starting.

This campaign is a collaboration between DHHS and local health departments and schools to promote a K-12 poster artwork contest that uses illustrations to raise awareness of tick and mosquito borne diseases. Entry deadline is April 10th. Find information about contest submissions and deadlines. onlineWinners of the Statewide Awareness Poster Contest will be announced at the end of April.

“Ticks and mosquitoes are ubiquitous in North Carolina and their bites can cause serious illness,” state public health entomologist Dr. Alexis M. Barberin said in a statement. said. “We encourage all North Carolinians to explore the outdoors, but please do so safely and take protective measures such as using DEET and other EPA-approved repellents.”

In 2022, nearly 700 tick- and mosquito-borne illnesses were reported in the state.

Ticks live in wooded, grassy and bushy areas. Frequent visits to these locations may increase your chances of contact with ticks and exposure to vector-borne illness, officials said. Most diagnoses of tick-borne illnesses were reported between June and September, and cases of Lyme disease accounted for more than half of the tick-borne illnesses reported last year.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and other tick-borne illnesses can cause fever, headache, rash, flu-like illness, and other serious symptoms, the agency warns. Alphagal syndrome and southern tick-related rash disease, or stari, have also been seen in the state.

The department recommends the following to reduce your exposure to ticks:

The most frequently transmitted mosquito-borne diseases in North Carolina are West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis, and La Crosse encephalitis. North Carolina reported her second highest number of La Crosse encephalitis cases in the United States between 2012 and 2021.

To reduce your exposure to mosquitoes, officials suggest:

  • Outdoors, use a mosquito repellent that contains DEET or an equivalent ingredient.Be careful when applying to child.
  • Consider treating clothing and gear such as boots, pants, socks, and tents with a 0.5% permethrin pesticide.
  • Install or repair screens on windows and doors and use air conditioning if possible.
  • “Chip and toss” to reduce mosquito breeding. He empties standing water at least once a week from flower pots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, waste tires, and bird baths.

Most mosquito-borne diseases reported within the state, including malaria, dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, are acquired during travel outside the continental United States.

If you plan to travel to areas where exotic mosquito-borne diseases occur, consult your healthcare provider or local health department. Always check your destination to identify appropriate preventative measures. Information about travel-related health risks is available at the following websites:

For more information on vector-borne diseases in North Carolina, please visit the NCDHHS Vector-Borne Diseases web page. here.




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