RUSSEL Russell City Council on Thursday passed an ordinance making the town center an entertainment destination hub, clearing the way for drinking downtown at special events.
Council member Ruth Hopkins abstained from voting, while everyone else voted in favour.
City Attorney Tracy Frye said the ordinance was just one more step toward applying for a state permit to allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the downtown hallway.
Much like Ashland’s order which is expected to go into effect in time for May 5, First Friday drinkers will be able to consume their beverages in the designated area with a special wristband and special mug during the event.
Frye said she amended the ordinance to set drinking hours as 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the area. In addition to setting the hours, Mayor Ron Simpson will have the power to limit the time to 11 p.m. and limit the area.
Initially, Simpson said the neighborhood would be the Ferry Street area near the train depot. However, the entire district will extend to the old Russell High School.
Police Chief Kenny Huddleston said state clearance should take about two to three weeks after all paperwork is submitted.
Here are some other highlights from Thursday’s meeting:
Jim Fennell, who lives on Sparrow Drive, asked the council about the progress of an engineering survey commissioned last year in his neighborhood to study flooding. Due to court cases long ago, there is not much the city can do in the neighborhood. Fennell said it’s been a year, so he just wanted to see where things stand.
The council voted to allow a 2013 Ford 550 pump truck to be listed as surplus. Fire Chief Billy Selvage said he needed him listed as surplus so he could start negotiations. He said he hoped to use the proceeds from the sale to offset the cost of equipping a new truck 16 months from completion.
The city received a check for $2,000 from the Tri-State Foundation for flowers and benches in the new space in front of the city building.
The Farmer’s Market will have its first sale on May 11 from 4-7 p.m.
The council also approved a resolution seeking a grant for four new body armor for the police department. Chief Huddleston said the grant should cover between $600 and $650 for each vest.
After a brief executive session, council voted to write off 10 acres of municipal property previously for sale on Kenwood Avenue.
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