Canada summons Chinese ambassador after Beijing intimidates lawmaker who criticized Xi Jinping regime
Canada summoned China’s ambassador to the country on Thursday to discuss Beijing intimidation charges against Canadian lawmaker who criticized Xi Jinping’s regimeand could also retaliate by expelling diplomats.
My deputy minister met with the Chinese ambassador, we summoned him, the foreign minister said, Melanie Jolybefore a parliamentary committee.
We are evaluating different options, including the expulsion of diplomats, added the Canadian diplomat.
The Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family, who live in Hongkong, allegedly received pressure for criticizing beijing.
The newspaper The Globe and Mail released a report on Monday saying Ottawa had turned a blind eye to the Chinese regime’s interference in Canadian affairs.
Citing classified documents and an unnamed security source, the newspaper said China’s intelligence agency planned to sanction Chong and his relatives in Hong Kong for voting in February 2021 for a motion condemning Beijing’s conduct in Xinjiang as a genocide.
The objective was surely to teach this MP a lesson and to dissuade other MPs from adopting anti-China positions.according to a document from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).
A diplomatic official from the Chinese consulate in Toronto will be involved in the case.
That person should be declared persona non grata immediately, Chong told reporters in Ottawa on Wednesday.
canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeaufaces growing pressure to take a hard line with the Asian giant following revelations that China tried to influence the results of the 2019 and 2021 Canadian elections.
The allegations, which Beijing has denied, have been the subject of parliamentary committee hearings and investigations by the Canadian Elections Agency.
Federal police also dismantled several illegal Chinese police stations in Canada, allegedly set up to harass Chinese expats.
In response to Chong’s accusations, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Mao NingHe said: China has always opposed interference by any country in the internal affairs of other countries.
We have never had and have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of Canada, he added.
last march Canada has admitted to refusing entry to the country to a Chinese diplomat for fear of his interference in politics local. The episode happened in the fall 2002 and it was a subject – called a political agent – that the the Chinese Communist Party he sought to make North America an international link between the two nations.
The episode was revealed by Joly, during an appearance before a parliamentary committee which, coincidentally, is investigating foreign interference in Canadian elections.
For its part, the local newspaper The Globe and Mail added that the authorities believed that the official’s position was high enough that he it was a political and not a diplomatic missionwith the end of meddle in the Canadian democratic system.
In this sense, Joly herself pointed out that China wanted to send a political agent.
(With information from AFP)
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