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Imran Khan forms seven-member committee to negotiate with government – Pakistan

Imran Khan forms seven-member committee to negotiate with government – Pakistan



Imran Khan forms seven-member committee to negotiate with government

Said Qureshi to lead PTI if disqualified

May 27, 2023 9:35 p.m.

LAHORE (Dunya News) – PTI leader Imran Khan on Saturday set up a seven-member committee to hold talks with the PDM-led government.

It comes a day after he called on political players to hold “immediate talks” as the party had seen dozens of its members split.

The committee includes Senior Vice President Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Parvez Khattak, Asad Qaisar, Haleem Adil Sheikh, Aon Abbas Buppi, Murad Saeed and Hammad Azhar. Some of the leaders he appointed are either in jail, hiding from arrests or speculated to quit the party amid the mass exodus from the PTI.

— PTI (@PTIofficial) May 27, 2023

Earlier, addressing a group of reporters, Mr Khan said: “If I am disqualified, Shah Mehmood Qureshi will lead the party.”

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He said he would unleash some surprises in the coming days, adding that the weather was about to change. “Young people will be given tickets for the elections, and I know that the PTI will win the polls,” he added.

“Hold a referendum and you will see the result yourself,” he said.

He went on to say that if arrested, PTI leaders including Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Parvez Khattak and others would run the party’s affairs. “I don’t disagree with the military,” he added.

Some of those who left the party were forced to do so, he said, while others showed their true colors.

Mr Khan said he could swear he never asked his party activist to vandalize [national buildings]adding that how could he ask them to do it now even though he didn’t authorize it after surviving an assassination attempt [in Wazirabad]. “If the PTI is popular with the public, why will it adopt the siege policy,” he asked.

He said President Arif Alvi would continue to respect the constitution. “I have called a meeting of my legal team to deliberate on the release of the detained party activists,” he added.

Taking to Twitter a few hours ago, he wrote: “As the country’s economy crumbles before our eyes, all this fascist government thinks about is more coercive and oppressive measures to crush the PTI”.

— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) May 27, 2023

On the other hand, the government ruled out the possibility of holding talks with the PTI, with Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb saying that “talks could not be held with those who attacked the state”. “Mr Khan is not calling for negotiations, he is in fact looking for an NRO,” he added.

PTI appoints Omar Ayub Khan as General Secretary

When former PTI Secretary General Asad Umar resigned, Mr Khan replaced him with Omar Ayub Khan.

— PTI (@PTIofficial) May 27, 2023

IHC orders release of Qureshi

Hours earlier, the High Court in Islamabad declared the arrest of PTI leaders, including Mr Qureshi, Maleeka Bokhari and Ijaz Chaudhry, to be “unlawful” under 3MPO – the law under which various PTI leaders were detained.

Mr Qureshi was again arrested outside Adiala prison on Tuesday after the IHC ordered their release.

Before being detained, he said, “I’m not quitting the party. I am with the party and I will stay with the party”.

Hammad Azhar claims a “new attack” at his home

Mr Azhar on Friday said his house was “attacked again on Thursday” as the exodus from the party continues. Taking to Twitter, he wrote that his house was attacked while his mother was alone inside the house.

— Hammad Azhar (@Hammad_Azhar) May 26, 2023

Imran says ‘only CJP Bandial can save Murad’s life’

Mr Khan on Thursday said only Pakistan’s Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial could save Mr Saeed’s life. Taking to Twitter, the ousted Prime Minister had asked the CJP to “do whatever it takes” to protect Mr Saeed’s life. The former Prime Minister shared a letter written by Mr Saeed to the Supreme Justice.

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