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Transforming Stroke Care Across Saskatchewan: A Coordinated Approach to Supporting People Living With Stroke

Transforming Stroke Care Across Saskatchewan: A Coordinated Approach to Supporting People Living With Stroke
Transforming Stroke Care Across Saskatchewan: A Coordinated Approach to Supporting People Living With Stroke


More than 3,200 strokes occur in Saskatchewan each year, affecting thousands of individuals and families across the state. A stroke can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any age. This is a medical emergency, the consequences of which can be devastating, but if timely diagnosis and treatment are received, the outcome can be dramatically improved.

June is Stroke Month in Canada, and it’s an opportunity to raise awareness about stroke and the steps taken to reduce its impact across Canada, including here in Saskatchewan.

“Heart & Stroke is grateful for the opportunity to work with health care providers in each state to enhance the services available,” said Carolyn Cyr, Saskatchewan Director of Health Policy and Systems. “In Saskatchewan, we are engaged in a continuum of care: a campaign funded by the state government and partner companies to manage the FAST signs of stroke, more resources and support for people living with stroke. advocating for support, updating and disseminating Canadian stroke best practices, guidelines, providing resources to those affected by stroke, and raising awareness of stroke with the support of media partners.”

Stroke is a medical emergency

Kyle Sereda has been a paramedic for 24 years and has worked throughout Saskatchewan and parts of Alberta. The experienced paramedic is now General Manager and Chief of Paramedic Services at Moose Jaw and has helped people in all medical emergencies. Still, he says one thing applies to every case when it comes to stroke. In other words, a stroke kills 1.9 million brain cells every minute, so it’s important to diagnose and treat people who have had a stroke as soon as possible.

“Strokes are caused by lack of oxygen to the brain,” Sereda said. “If the brain is deprived of oxygen, it cannot function for a long time. So the time factor is important here. It will be higher.” Smooth recovery. “

Thinking quickly can save lives

The FAST acronym is used in countries around the world, including Canada, to help people recognize the signs of stroke and take immediate action to respond to this medical emergency.

Sereda says it’s important for everyone to know the signs of a stroke because a stroke can happen to anyone at any time.

“I think one of the challenges is that even though individuals are aware of their symptoms, they can’t communicate it,” Sereda says. “This is why it’s important for everyone to learn the signs and call 9-1-1 if they witness a stroke.”

Calling 9-1-1 is very important. It will issue a stroke alert in the state, ensure that stroke patients are transported to the nearest hospitals capable of diagnosing and managing stroke, and ensure that those hospitals are alerted immediately. Inform them in advance so that they are ready to act when the patient arrives.

In 2017, Saskatchewan established the Acute Stroke Pathway to coordinate a standardized response to stroke management statewide. This pathway includes the state’s leading stroke centers to ensure access to care for everyone, regardless of zip code. These centers have the ability to diagnose stroke, consult with stroke neurologists to determine appropriate management, and assess whether additional treatment is needed in Saskatoon.

“Stroke is a treatable medical emergency,” says Ruth Whelan, clinical stroke nurse at Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon’s comprehensive stroke center. “The faster we can communicate, the more everyone can see the same scan and understand the symptoms of a stroke, the better we can get patients to the right place at the right time and get the right treatment.” We have sought to build a true stroke community among healthcare providers. “

More than 3,200 strokes occur in Saskatchewan each year, affecting thousands of individuals and families across the state.

Recovery and Regeneration: Surviving Life After Stroke

In addition to timely acute treatment for stroke, access to post-stroke rehabilitation services is essential to improve outcomes and support full recovery. Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in Canada and can affect an individual’s physical, cognitive and emotional health. Saskatchewan has stroke rehabilitation centers throughout the state, where you can receive care close to home as an inpatient or by day appointment. One of these centers is located at Josie House in Yorkton.

“We have a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team and we work with all our patients to try and improve their ability to return to their communities and homes as much as possible,” said the Integrated Rural Health Department primary. Health Care Manager Tarren Nielsen said. Yorkton.

Treatment for people who have had a stroke includes physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, Nielsen said. Each stroke is different and the treatment provided is individualized based on the person’s needs.

Heart & Stroke recently released a report highlighting the mental health challenges many people, especially women, face after a stroke. While many of the physical effects of stroke are obvious, other effects related to cognition, mood, and communication can be difficult to recognize. These ‘invisible’ deficits are often ignored or misunderstood and can have serious implications for the recovery.

“Stroke is a traumatic event,” says Nielsen. “Sudden loss of function, inability to return to work, and possibly long-term hospitalization in a rehabilitation facility may be necessary. We are making it possible to support the social dimension, providing a holistic service to those individuals.”

Let’s reduce the impact of stroke together

We can all play a role in reducing the impact of stroke in Saskatchewan, starting with prevention. Some risk factors can be controlled by making healthy lifestyle choices, and others can be managed with the support of your health care team. Learn about your personal risk factors and take necessary steps to prevent stroke in your life.

Knowing the signs of stroke and understanding the urgency to call 9-1-1 will not only reduce your own risk for stroke prevention, but will also help ensure that people who have had a stroke receive a diagnosis. We can all save lives by enabling , providing the treatment and care needed to support optimal recovery.




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