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Bats and possibly scaly anteaters could have triggered the COVID-19 outbreak, and they could do it again
An article published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene on Wednesday by a prominent scientist suggested that it caused naturally infected bats and scaly anteaters called pangolins in Asia and Southeast Asia, causing a pandemic of COVID-19. doing.
“The specific mechanism of how it emerged in humans remains unknown,” the authors write. Nevertheless, a large collection of virological, epidemiological, veterinary and ecological data suggests that the new virus, SARS-CoV-2, evolves directories or sarbecoviruses that naturally infect bats ( It establishes an indirect evolution of the B coronavirus of the SARS-like virus) group. “Pangolins from Asia and Southeast Asia,” says Abstract.
“Scientists should repeatedly warn of the potential emergence of such salbecoviruses for decades, identify risk factors, and strengthen pandemic prevention and control efforts. Unfortunately, few such precautions were taken, so the latest emergence of coronaviruses detected in late 2019 has spread rapidly to pandemics. In addition to controlling the pandemic of COVID-19, in addition to controlling the pandemic of COVID-19, a significant shift to basic and applied research in addressing disease outbreaks has been undertaken to prevent this tragic history from recurring. We must take active scientific, public health, and social action, including increased funding for.”
The first outbreak of SARS in 2002-04 was also deadly, but disappeared quite quickly. The article in the new journal states that the 2007 warning from scientists who studied what happened was hardly noticed. Like COVID-19, the first outbreak of SARS was known to cause the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. SARS was first discovered in November 2002 in Foshan, Guangdong, China. More than 8,000 people have been infected and at least 774 people have died in 29 countries and regions. The World Health Organization declared the first SARS pandemic on July 5, 2003, and the last case was reported in 2004.
In 2007, scientists who studied the first SARS pandemic said that the time-bombed horseshoe bat had a large reservoir of viruses like SARS-CoV. “The potential for SARS and other new viruses to reappear… should not be ignored,” they warned.
Scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Boston University School of Medicine said, “To keep active scientific, public health, and this tragic history from repeating, Social behavior, including significantly increased funding for basic and applied research to address the emergence of illness.” Among the authors:
- David Morrens, Senior Advisor to the Director of NIAID. He is also currently Chairman of the American Commission on Arthropodborne Viruses at ASTM H.
- Joel Breman, Current Chairman of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)
- Gerald Kiesch, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Institute at Boston University, and Associate Professor of Medicine. Former Director of the Fogerty International Center at NIH
“We are facing the rising deaths and social upheavals of the COVID-19 pandemic, so how this pandemic started, how and why we overlooked warning signs, and to prevent recurrence. Don’t lose track of what you can do-and again, “they wrote.
Discussion of articles on coronavirus animal reservoirs has focused on bats. It “promotes virus exchange, bats of some species, including some bats that roost with bats of other species, promote virus evolution associated with gene sequences similar to SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-3.” “. The investigators say they have mapped global hotspots where potential infections could occur.
In China, where two types of SARS strains have emerged, there are more than 100 types of bats. “Many scientists have proposed proactive monitoring of known hotspots to try to anticipate and prevent the emergence of viruses that could affect human health, including early warning of host switch events. I tried,” the article continues.
“Unfortunately, outside of some members of the scientific community, there was little interest and no sense of urgency,” he added. “In 2020, we tragically learned what 12 years of unwarranted warnings brought to us. The exact same SARS-like bat that had been alerted by multiple voices for over a decade. Bat-derived Salbecobis from the virus group has emerged and has advanced, causing the COVID-19 pandemic and is now penetrating the Earth.”
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