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People with polycystic ovary syndrome may be at increased risk of suicide: Study – National

People with polycystic ovary syndrome may be at increased risk of suicide: Study – National


person who has Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Recent research suggests that young adults may be at increased risk of attempting suicide, especially young adults.

research, posted on monday Annual report of internal medicinefound that PCOS patients had an 8.47 times higher risk of suicide attempts compared to women without PCOS.

“These findings highlight the importance of clinician vigilance when monitoring the mental health and suicide risk of patients diagnosed with PCOS,” the study authors said.

PCOS is one of the most prevalent reproductive endocrine diseases, affecting approximately 10% of women of reproductive age. According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The cause is as follows Hormone imbalance It can affect ovulation and cause menstrual problems and infertility. It can also cause acne on the face and body, weight gain, and hair growth.

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According to CMAJ, if left untreated, PCOS can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

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The Taiwanese researchers behind the study also wanted to examine suicide risk in PCOS patients. To find out, a team of researchers examined data from Taiwan's national database from 1997 to 2012. This group included more than 18,000 women aged 12 to 64 diagnosed with PCOS who had no history of suicide attempts prior to enrollment.

After considering variables such as mental illness, additional health problems, and demographic factors, researchers found that people with PCOS were more likely to attempt suicide than women without PCOS but who shared similar characteristics. found that the risks were higher.

They also found that the risk of attempting suicide was 5.38 times higher in adolescents, 9.15 times higher in adults under 40 years of age, and 3.75 times higher in older adults compared to controls.

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Common attributes associated with PCOS include infertility, acne, dysmenorrhea, hirsutism, and obesity, “which collectively contribute to poor quality of life” and cause psychological distress. The authors say it is possible.

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Disturbances and fluctuations in hormone levels can affect mental health. Irregular menstrual periods and possible infertility can also be stressful for people with the condition, the study said.

The authors noted that young adults with PCOS remain at increased risk for suicide attempts compared to control participants without PCOS. The researchers concluded that this may be associated with persistent psychological distress, body dissatisfaction, and reproductive concerns in this age group.

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“Young people may face additional challenges, including unemployment, financial hardship, relationship problems, and concerns about infertility, which may increase their vulnerability to suicidal behavior,” the authors said. There is.

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“Polycystic ovaries are a really bad diagnosis,” Diane Francoeur, CEO of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC), told Global News.

“There's nothing good about it. You'll gain weight more easily, get more acne, grow more hair, and potentially have irregular periods and problems conceiving. Also, as you gain weight as you get older, your uterus may become weaker. You can get endometrial cancer. So all of this is bad.”

Although Francoeur was not involved in the study, she acknowledged the importance of this type of research examining the mental health of women, especially those with PCOS.

She said treatment options for PCOS are limited (weight loss and hormone therapy are options). However, she noted that birth control can be beneficial for women suffering from this condition.

“And the stigma associated with this can leave women feeling unsupported and depressed,” she said. “But women should talk about this.”

This is not the first study to find a link between PCOS and mental health.

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CMAJ research on PSOS Patients with the disease have a higher prevalence of depression and anxiety, according to a paper published on January 29th.

A meta-analysis of 47 studies found that people with PCOS were more likely to be depressed than those without PCOS, the report said. A meta-analysis of 27 studies reporting on anxiety found that people with PCOS were at higher risk for anxiety than those without.

“Polycystic ovary syndrome can negatively impact body image and self-esteem, and is also associated with increased rates of eating disorders,” the study concluded.

Although PCOS does come with risks, early diagnosis of PCOS may help reduce the risks, Francoeur said.

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“It's good to know ahead of time that teenage women and girls can prevent themselves from gaining too much weight,” she says, adding that this is one important preventive measure against health complications later in life. She said there is.

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The Taiwanese study concludes that increasing awareness and eliminating stigma about PCOS is essential in the general public and among girls and women.

“Referral to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker for medical assistance and case management is recommended for patients at high risk of suicide,” the authors write.

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