What is the Atlantic Diet?
Subscribe to CNN's “Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style.” Our 8-part guide introduces you to an expert-backed, delicious eating lifestyle that will improve your health for a lifetime..
The Traditional Atlantic Diet of Southern Europe, known as the Atlantic Diet for short, is a traditional diet of northern Portugal and northwestern Spain that has been shown to improve heart health and reduce early death from cancer, heart disease, and other causes. They say it may contain hints for lowering the risk. To research conducted in Europe.
Latest research recently published in journals JAMA network openthis diet also slightly lowers the incidence of metabolic syndrome, a combination of high blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, and abdominal fat that increases the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious health conditions. I discovered.
This diet, like its more famous relatives, is based on foods grown or found in that region of Europe. mediterranean diet.
“This is an important study that confirms that the principles of the traditional Mediterranean diet (which has been the most intensively studied) can be applied to other cultures,” said Walter, a leading nutrition researcher.・Dr. Willett (Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition) said: TH Chan, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said in an email. He was not involved in the study.
Because the Atlantic diet is plant-based and locally sourced, it contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and also helps protect the planet, the study authors noted.
“This is a great demonstration that a diet like this, with an emphasis on local sourcing to the extent practical, can benefit people and the planet alike. It's a good lesson,” says Preventive Medicine and Life. said Dr. David Katz, a style medicine expert and founder of the nonprofit organization. A commitment to true health, a global coalition of experts specializing in evidence-based lifestyle medicine. He was also not involved in the study.
The Atlantic diet includes fresh fish, especially cod, some red meat and pork products, dairy products, legumes, fresh vegetables, potatoes usually eaten in vegetable soups, whole grain bread, and a moderate intake of wine. It will be. Similar meals can be found in several regions, although some menus may be specific to Portugal or that region of Spain. czech, poland Experts say the UK is no different.
By comparison, award-winning The Mediterranean diet is plant-based, with the majority of each meal focused on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and seeds, with some nuts included, and an emphasis on extra virgin olive oil.
Red meat is used sparingly, usually only to add flavor to dishes. Eating healthy, oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is recommended, but eggs, dairy products, and poultry are eaten in much smaller amounts than in the traditional Western diet.
Similar to the Mediterranean diet, the Atlantic diet focuses on home-cooked meals served family-style, with an emphasis on social interaction between friends and family. Mindful eating, socializing while eating, and daily walking or cycling are the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet and are considered to be as important, if not more important, than the food you eat.
“Encourage conscious eating and socializing for at least 20 minutes after each meal,” Rahaf Al Bochi, a registered dietitian in Atlanta, told CNN. previous interview About the Mediterranean diet.
“We understand that it may be difficult for many people to do, but start small,” said Al Bochi, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Turn off the TV, put away your phone, focus on a meaningful conversation, and chew slowly and rest between each bite. That could be the beginning of your mindful eating journey.”
the study published In December 2023, in Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland, and the United Kingdom, high adherence to the Atlantic diet, also known as the Southern European Atlantic diet, lowers the risk of death from all causes in people without severe chronic disease. There was found. disease. The diet also lowered the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer in the approximately 36,000 study participants aged 18 to 96.
Previous research The authors said they point to some of the reasons why these food groups may be beneficial. Eating more fish, legumes, and vegetables reduces levels of C-reactive protein, a sign of inflammation in the body.
Eating cod, beans and vegetables can help lower blood pressure, and fish generally helps lower levels of triglycerides, fats in the blood that can lead to hardening of the arteries and heart disease.
other the study Researchers have shown that eating a predominantly Atlantic diet can lower insulin, insulin resistance, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. and, 2021 survey They found that following an Atlantic diet for three years reduced the risk of premature death from any cause over a 10-year period by 14% in adults over 60.
However, other studies have shown that not all food groups in the traditional Atlantic diet are beneficial.In two recent studies, fish, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains were associated with a lower risk of death from all causes. Meta-analysis. However, when you eat dairy products, Potatoes were not Eating red and processed meat increases your risk.
Red meat and processed meat, including pork products, lots of research because it increases the risk of cardiometabolic disease and cancer, especially colon cancer. potato It may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.
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