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EA cancels Star Wars game due to 670 job cuts

EA cancels Star Wars game due to 670 job cuts



Tom Gerken Technology Writer

EAThe game was being developed by the studio that produced 2023's Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Electronic Arts (EA) plans to cancel future Star Wars games and lay off 5% of its workforce (approximately 670 people) worldwide.

In its early stages of development, the game was intended to be a first-person shooter set in the Star Wars universe.

The company said this “streamlining” will “deliver a deeper, more connected experience for our fans.”

This is the latest example of layoffs sweeping the gaming industry.

“At a time when it's extremely difficult to get funding to start new game studios, and with thousands of people being laid off every month, video games have been losing top talent from outside the industry for years. They run a significant risk of being affected,” Rich said. Burnham is a former executive at game studio Blizzard.

In December 2023, EA announced that it would lay off staff at British developer Codemasters, known for the racing games “F1 23'' and “EA Sports WRC.''

In a letter to employees, President Andrew Wilson said the company has begun contacting affected employees and expects the layoffs to be completed by the summer.

He also explained the decision to reduce development of new titles.

“We are also decommissioning the game and distancing it from the development of future licensed IP that we do not believe will be successful in a changing industry,” he wrote.

“With this greater focus, we will drive creativity, accelerate innovation, and double down on our greatest opportunities, including owned IP, sports, and a massive online community to deliver the entertainment players want today and tomorrow.” can.”

Later, EA Entertainment head Laura Miele said in an email to staff that this meant canceling the next Star Wars title being developed by subsidiary Respawn Entertainment. The company is responsible for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which received “generally positive” reviews, according to aggregator Metacritic.

“We've been looking at Respawn's portfolio over the past few months, and what's clear is that the games players are most excited about are Jedi and the rich library of Respawn-owned brands,” she said. Told.

“It's always difficult to walk away from a project, and this decision is not a reflection of the team's talent, tenacity or passion for the game.”

more layoffs

It's the latest job cuts to hit the gaming industry, with Microsoft in January revealing plans to lay off 1,900 people in its gaming division, including employees from recently acquired Activision Blizzard.

And it came just two days after Sony announced plans to lay off 900 employees and close its famous London studio.

“The impact of mass layoffs will resonate deeply within the gaming community, especially for the talented individuals affected,” said Sarah Stevens, director of gaming HR firm e-volveHR.

“Above all, humanity and kindness are the most important factors for those navigating these rough waters.”

Karol Severin, senior analyst at Midia Research, said the layoffs show how competitive the gaming industry has become.

“This is not to say the industry is in trouble, just that it is entering a new, more mature chapter in its life, one where efficiency, profitability and competitiveness are the name of the game. .

“The gaming industry remains a $223 billion ($176 billion) industry and will grow by about $78 billion more by 2030,” he said.

“For context, this exceeds the current size of the entire global recorded music industry.”




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