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Measles incident involving immigrant child shows gaps and challenges in health care delivery – NBC Chicago

Measles incident involving immigrant child shows gaps and challenges in health care delivery – NBC Chicago
Measles incident involving immigrant child shows gaps and challenges in health care delivery – NBC Chicago


Chicago public health officials confirmed Friday that a child at the city's largest immigrant shelter had contracted measles and has since recovered, leaving city officials and shelter operators wondering when the child was infected and Favorite Health, the city's largest immigrant shelter. Questions have been raised about when care staff learned about the measles. case.

A spokesperson for Favorite Healthcare Staffing referred NBC 5 Investigates' questions to CDPH.

Health department officials also did not respond to our questions and emailed a copy of Friday's press release to NBC 5 Investigates. The letter confirmed that city officials were investigating a case of measles in a “preschool-age child who has recovered and is no longer infectious.” ”

An NBC 5 investigation found that migrants were asked to shelter in place while health officials worked to determine who would receive the measles vaccine. Those who have not yet been vaccinated will be given a health screening for symptoms and offered vaccinations. People who can prove their vaccination status will be able to enter and leave the evacuation center freely.

Lonnie Reese, Mayor Brandon Johnson's communications director, said the confirmed measles cases do not disrupt the city's plans to begin removing migrants from shelters starting March 16. He said no.

In a release Friday afternoon, CDPH continued:

“Most Chicagoans are not at high risk because they received routine vaccinations during childhood. People who have not been vaccinated against measles should get vaccinated. The MMR vaccine is Available at doctor's offices and pharmacies. Under Illinois law, children under the age of 10 in Illinois can receive vaccinations at pharmacies. CDPH Immunization Clinics provide vaccinations for children ages 0-18 and We are offering the MMR vaccine at no out-of-pocket cost to uninsured adults age 19 and older. Click here to learn more about measles CDPH website.

On Thursday, CDPH confirmed another unrelated measles case in a Chicago resident. This is the first confirmed case in a Chicago resident since 2019. The source of the infection is unknown at this time, and the Chicago resident's infectious period ended on March 6th. The individual is recovering well at home.

This case has not been linked to a measles case in an Indiana resident who traveled to Chicago last month. This case did not result in secondary measles infection among Chicago residents. ”

News of the measles incident comes just a week after NBC 5 Investigates uncovered potential health care disparities at the city's immigration mission.

The Halstead Immigrant Shelter was the city's largest, housing more than 2,500 people at one time. The shelter's population now stands at nearly 1,800 people, nearly a third of whom are children.

City officials acknowledged during a City Council committee hearing in late January that the Halstead shelter did not have a designated isolation room.

“Even though we're getting a little bit more space between people, I understand it's still very difficult,” said Dr. Evelyn Figueroa, a family physician at UI Health.

Dr. Figueroa helps run the Pilsen Food Pantry, located about a mile from the shelter where a child recently contracted and recovered from measles.

Figueroa is also connected to a group of medical volunteers, who have been working for several months to secure access to shelters to help conduct health screenings. So far, groups of volunteers with medical training have not been allowed into the city's shelters, but discussions with the city are ongoing, she said.

“While we are disappointed that we have not yet entered the shelter for health screenings, we have family connections in the sand and we are using that connection to educate and vaccinate people,” Figueroa said. “We are using it to help bring people together,” he said.

As NBC 5 Investigates first reported last week, a review of thousands of pages of city records revealed potential gaps in the city's response to immigrant health needs.

According to internal records, the city knew as far back as October that having shelters “overcrowded” would “increase the risk of communicable disease for both new arrivals and shelter staff.” And a lack of space within the shelter system has increased the challenge of getting people access to primary care.

Asked whether he thought the gap still existed or had been closed, Figueroa said: “I think it's smaller than it was before, but I don't think it's completely closed.”

Dr. Figueroa said more personnel are needed on the ground to quell hysteria and educate migrants about the benefits of vaccines.

In response to our findings, Mayor Brandon Johnson defended the city's efforts.

“The way people got here was not appropriate and we were responding as best we could,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on February 21.




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