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The proposed BBC comedy sitcom

The proposed BBC comedy sitcom
The proposed BBC comedy sitcom


We're funding six writers' rooms led by experienced showrunners to create the next great British sitcom with mass audience appeal.

We're looking for sitcom treatments from UK-based production companies that have been created and developed by an accomplished showrunner. The showrunners will each develop their treatment with the support of a group of writers with varying levels of experience, providing an excellent opportunity to work with established and new writing talent.

Deliverables will include a detailed series outline and a pilot script written by the showrunner with a guarantee that at least one of these projects will become a filmed pilot in 2024/25.

We prioritize comedy offerings with accessible entry points – think Ghosts, Two Doors Down, Motherland and Not Going Out. We're looking for the types of shows that families and friends can enjoy in portions: shows with big laughs and a range of characters, in settings and worlds that are grounded and accessible and have the potential to become long-time regulars.

How to throw

This opportunity is only open to UK production companies and applications will close on 30 September 2024.

The treatments must be created and developed by a showrunner, that is, someone who has experience writing a sitcom television series.

Pitches should include a detailed description of the idea, tone, setting, and characters, as well as suggestions for who you would like to see in the writers' room.

Please note that your showrunner must be attached at the pitch stage.

The proposal must be sent via our PiCoS idea submission system. Please address the pitch to the Sitcom Project Development Manager included in the proposal title.

When developing ideas, think about

  1. We consider a showrunner to be someone who has written and directed a successful comedy television series.
  2. The originality of the premises is less important than the characters.
  3. The sense of place is important and we are always looking for shows set in London, as well as the Nations and English regions.
  4. Refer to our main file to find out the type of ideas and areas that interest you.
  5. We're interested in ensemble shows that don't rely on a single central character.
  6. Diversity of cast and representation is key: we are interested in shows set outside of London that focus on people from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, and diversity should not be an afterthought during the casting process, but something you think about every step of the way. of development.
  7. Workplace sitcoms can work in this space, even if the workplace itself is not overt.
  8. Likewise, we were fond of family sitcoms. They don't necessarily have to feature an actual family, but should have multiple entry points so they can appeal to all generations.
  9. We don't do a lot of (public) studio sitcoms, but when we do, they are some of our most successful shows, so if your idea authentically aligns with this format, then we'll welcome them!




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