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Houston health tech startup wins $30,000 prize in annual pitch competition

Houston health tech startup wins ,000 prize in annual pitch competition


A Houston biotech company has won the Texas A&M New Venture Competition (TNVC) with Taurus Vascular taking home the $30,000 first place prize.

Taurus Vascular is working on a novel solution to stop abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) before they rupture and become fatal. The company grew out of the TMC Innovation Biodesign program. Fellows Matthew Kuhn and Melanie Lawther spent a year nurturing the company. This highly accomplished team boasts Kuhn holds more than 40 patents and Lawther's background as director of entrepreneurship and innovation at Texas Children's Hospital.

The competition's rigorous process includes multiple presentations to commercialization experts. In fact, the judging process takes four months, and participants are also coached to help them deliver successful presentations.

“As we enter the 10th year of the Texas A&M New Venture Competition, we recognize the significant economic impact these startups are having across the state of Texas and the social contributions they are making on a global scale,” TNVC Chairman Chris Scotti said in a news release. “We're excited to continue supporting science- and engineering-based companies that foster innovation, drive progress and create lasting change.”

TNVC has awarded nearly $4 million in prize money to startups over its 10-year history, with 27 awards this year alone. Prizes include investment capital, consulting, legal and engineering services, and other support tailored to the winners' needs.

“We are honored to win first place at the Texas New Venture Competition. Competing against so many great companies and talented founders makes this recognition even more meaningful and reflects the dedication and hard work of the Taurus Vascular team,” Kuhn said in a press release. “The financial support and increased visibility that this award brings will be critical to our growth and open up new opportunities and partnerships.”

“This award reinforces our belief in our mission to reduce endoleak risk in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair and positively impact patient care,” he continued. “We are also grateful to Biotex for selecting us as the recipient of their Sponsor's Award and look forward to collaborating with them on the next phase of our technology's development.”

Fewer than 20 percent of patients with a ruptured AAA survive, and Kuhn told InnovationMap last year that he hopes to commercialize the technology by 2030. This race brings us closer to a day when patients battling AAAs will have a much better chance of survival in the future.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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