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South Florida climate tech hub gets $19.5M in startup funding from federal government

South Florida climate tech hub gets .5M in startup funding from federal government


The White House announced that $19.5 million in initial federal funding will go toward technical efforts to strengthen climate protections in Florida's most populous regions.

The funding will support the initial development of the South Florida Climate Ready Tech Hub. Led by the Miami-Dade County Innovation and Economic Development Authority and serving Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties, the hub is one of 12 hubs nationwide to receive a total of $504 million.

The program received the least amount of funding. The second-lowest amount was the Nevada Tech Hub, which received $21 million. All other programs received between $40 million and $51 million. Nineteen programs across the country that the White House designated as tech hubs last year are still waiting for federal funding.

“This investment by the Biden-Harris Administration will enable us to meet the climate crisis head on, spur economic innovation and create quality jobs in South Florida,” Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levin Cava said in a statement.

Miami-Dade County is proud to collaborate with public sector, academic and private partners across the region on this groundbreaking effort.

The funding announcement comes about eight months after the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA) designated South Florida and 30 other regions as federal tech hubs.

South Florida Tech Hub is a coalition of local governments, businesses, universities and organizations and is the only program in the state to receive federal tech hub designation so far. Nationally, the EDA received 198 applications by last year's deadline.

Officials highlighted that South Florida's application demonstrated leadership and potential to leverage the region's assets, talent and technical expertise to become a world-class, globally competitive innovation center, according to a county press note.

Once operational, the hub aims to develop and commercialize scalable innovations to address climate change, from tackling extreme heat and fish-killing algae blooms to infrastructure solutions for flooding and Florida's increasing reliance on electric vehicles.

Miami-Dade County said the initial phase of the project is expected to create 23,000 new, high-paying jobs by 2029. Once fully operational, the South Florida Climate Ready Tech Hub is expected to generate $41 billion in new revenue over the next decade.

“This funding marks a pivotal moment for South Florida,” said Francesca de Quesada Covey, the Hub's regional innovation director and Miami-Dade County's chief innovation and economic development officer.

Not only are ClimateReady Tech Hubs the only certified hubs focused on finding solutions to pressing climate problems, but they also bring economic benefits of jobs and increased GDP to all communities, from Palm Beach to Monroe County to the bordering Miccosukee Nation to the west.”

The federal government’s Tech Hub Program, authorized through the CHIPS and SCIENCE Act, aims to directly invest in high-potential U.S. regions and transform them into globally competitive innovation centers.

A White House press release said the tech hub is a prime example of the President's Place-based approach, emphasizing that the American economy is stronger by investing in communities rather than leaving them behind.

These tech hubs will create good-paying jobs for American workers and provide regions of the country with the resources and opportunities they need to lead in tomorrow's economy, Harris said in a statement.

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