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Opened by President Joko Widodo Submission of LHP BPK RI, Acting Regent of Kampar: Thank God, Kampar received a WTP notice from Riau BPK representative.

Opened by President Joko Widodo Submission of LHP BPK RI, Acting Regent of Kampar: Thank God, Kampar received a WTP notice from Riau BPK representative.
Opened by President Joko Widodo Submission of LHP BPK RI, Acting Regent of Kampar: Thank God, Kampar received a WTP notice from Riau BPK representative.


Jakarta – Acting Regent of Kampar Hambali SE.,MBA.,MH attended the invitation to present the results of the Audit Commission (BPK) review on the management and accountability of state finances. The event themed “Strengthening the State’s Financial Foundations Towards a Golden Indonesia” was held at the Jakarta Convention Center with the presence of President Joko Widodo. Monday 08/07/2024.

At this event, BPK RI Chairman Dr. Isma Yatun, CSFA., CFrA explained the results of their examination which covered various aspects of state financial management. This inspection aims to ensure that state financial management is functioning well, transparent and accountable. The theme “Strengthening the State’s Financial Foundations Towards a Golden Indonesia” emphasizes the importance of good financial management in realizing the vision of a Golden Indonesia by 2045.

President Joko Widodo stressed in his speech the importance of transparency and accountability in the management of state finances. “We must ensure that every rupiah used brings maximum benefits to society,” the President said. He also expressed his gratitude to the BPK for its hard work in monitoring and reviewing state finances.

Acting Regent of Kampar Hambali, on the occasion, expressed his appreciation for the performance of the BPK in conducting audits and supervising state finances.

“Thank God for Kampar Regency, the Kampar LKPD review received a reasonable opinion without exception from the Riau Province BPK representative some time ago, and we will maintain and improve it in the coming year,” Hambali said.

According to him, the results of the BPK audit are an important tool to increase transparency and accountability in financial management at the regional level. “We will continue to be committed to following the recommendations of the BPK to improve and enhance the quality of financial management in our region,” Hambali said.

Apart from this, Hambali also stressed the importance of synergy between the central and regional governments in maintaining state finances. He hoped that the findings presented by the BPK could be a valuable lesson for all parties in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities.

This event brought together various senior state officials including governors, mayors and regents from various regions in Indonesia. They all agreed that good financial management is the key to achieving sustainable development and realizing the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Acting Kampar Regent Hambali said his party is ready to work hard to implement the results of the BPK recommendations in Kampar, as well as continue to encourage capacity building of government officials in sound financial management. “We are optimistic that with strong cooperation and commitment, we can create healthy and strong public finances,” Hambali concluded (Diskominfo Kampar / Prokopim).




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