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Chief veterinarian warns farmers of bluetongue dangers

Chief veterinarian warns farmers of bluetongue dangers
Chief veterinarian warns farmers of bluetongue dangers


Following a rise in bluetongue cases in Europe, the UK's Chief Veterinary Officer has renewed his caution and called for responsible sourcing of livestock.

Latest Outbreak assessment A report from the Animal and Plant Health Agency says the number of Bluetongue virus (BTV-3) cases is increasing in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, with more than 4,000 new cases recorded since May 2024.

The first cases of BTV-3 have also been identified in France, Luxembourg and Denmark, and the strain has successfully overwintered in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

The overall risk level for BTV-3 to enter the UK remains medium, however the risk of infected chironomids arriving from northern Europe remains variable and dependent on weather conditions. Chironomids are generally more active in warmer periods.

Farmers should therefore continue to frequently monitor their animals for clinical signs and are reminded of the vital importance of responsibly sourcing animals of a reliable health status. As the situation in Europe is constantly changing, always consult your veterinarian when importing livestock.

Animals moving from the highest risk counties – Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent and East Sussex – to other parts of England will also be eligible for free testing. This includes animals sold in markets within high-risk counties and moved to other areas. This helps prevent undetected disease being carried to new areas by animal movements. More information on how to book a free test can be found here. On

Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss said:

“The incidence of BTV in Europe is increasing and we must remain vigilant against the threat of the disease spreading, and report any suspected cases of the disease in animals.”

“If you are planning to move an animal from a high-risk county to live there, including purchasing a new animal, please take advantage of the free testing scheme to help stop the movement of sub-clinical disease.”

“While bluetongue does not pose a threat to human health or food safety, the disease can impact livestock farms, causing damage to animals and business productivity.”

Jenny Stewart, interim chief executive of the Animal and Plant Health Agency, said:

“The Animal and Plant Health Agency’s latest outbreak assessment shows the scale of bluetongue cases across Europe and highlights how important it is for farmers and animal keepers to monitor their livestock and access free testing if necessary.

“Our scientists, veterinarians and field teams are ready to respond to any bluetongue virus outbreaks and will provide farmers with up-to-date information and support.”

Bluetongue virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of midges and infects cattle, goats, sheep and camelids such as llamas. The impact on susceptible animals varies greatly; some animals may show no clinical signs or effects, while others may experience productivity problems such as reduced milk production, and in the most severe cases may result in the death of the infected animal.

It does not affect humans, and the meat and milk of infected animals is safe to eat or drink.

Bluetongue is a notifiable disease. If you suspect bluetongue in an animal in England you should report it to the Animal and Plant Health Agency on 03000 200 301. For the latest information please contact: Bruton.




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