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West Nile Virus: New York City to spray insecticides to prevent spread of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease

West Nile Virus: New York City to spray insecticides to prevent spread of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease


INWOOD, Manhattan (WABC) — Starting Monday, the city will be spraying insecticides to prevent mosquitoes and the spread of diseases they carry, but the spraying could unintentionally harm some of nature's most beautiful creatures.

There is a monarch butterfly sanctuary on the grounds of Inwood Church.

“We've created a nature preserve within the preserve, so it's a preserve within a preserve,” Keith De Cesare said.

De Cesare, founder of the Inwood Butterfly Sanctuary, protects every stage of a butterfly's life, from the eggs on milkweed leaves, to the tiny caterpillars that grow rapidly while nibbling at the leaves, to the jewel-like chrysalis, and finally the butterfly that serves as an important pollinator. Butterflies are endangered and vulnerable at every stage, but the sanctuary can't protect them from all dangers.

“The city is planning to spray insecticide in the air at 8:30 p.m. (Monday) and we are concerned that this may kill the endangered monarch butterflies,” De Cesare said.

The city plans to spray several Manhattan neighborhoods, including Inwood, with insecticide to kill mosquitoes that spread the West Nile virus, which has become more prevalent in the city this summer, according to the health department's website.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he was recently hospitalized and is recovering.

At the butterfly sanctuary, De Cesare said he understands the city needs to control the mosquito population but is seeking some sort of exemption.

“Don't come on this block. Stay away from the corners,” he said.

The city says the insecticides they're using are safe for people and pets, but advises anyone sensitive to the sprays to stay indoors, keep windows closed and leave the air conditioning on.

Other neighbors are hoping that can be avoided, too.

“You're killing mosquitoes to try and contain them, and you're killing other beneficial insects,” Bobby Veronis said.

“We need them as pollinators, and we need them for the beauty and joy they bring,” De Cesare added.

click here Read more about mosquito control here.

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Sonia Rincon has the details.


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