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Putin furious: Drone attack in Ukraine causes 'earthquake' in Russia

Putin furious: Drone attack in Ukraine causes 'earthquake' in Russia
Putin furious: Drone attack in Ukraine causes 'earthquake' in Russia


Key 3 points: The Ukrainian military carried out a long-range drone strike on the Toropets strategic ammunition depot in Russia's Tver region, about 310 miles from the front lines.

The attack destroyed one of Russia's largest ammunition facilities, which likely held North Korean artillery shells and munitions for front-line use, including rockets and glide bombs.

The explosion registered a magnitude of 2.7 on the Richter scale and caused fires over a six-kilometer area. Despite Russia's claims of shooting down more than 50 Ukrainian drones, the warehouse was destroyed due to poor ammunition storage, leading to successive explosions.

Ukraine targets Russian ammunition depot, triggers 2.7 magnitude earthquake

The Ukrainian military continues to carry out long-range attacks against high-value targets inside Russia.

The latest attack destroyed one of the Russian military's largest ammunition depots, which also likely held North Korean munitions.

The explosion was so large that it caused a mild earthquake.

Ukrainian drone attack causes earthquake in Russia

On Wednesday, Ukrainian armed forces launched a suicide drone against the Toropets strategic ammunition depot. The ammunition depot is located in Russia's Tver region, about 310 miles (500 kilometers) from the front lines in Ukraine.

According to the latest assessment by British military intelligence, the ammunition depot at Toropets “is a storage site for the 107th arsenal of the Russian Main Missile and Artillery Directorate, and almost certainly contains ammunition of various calibres for use on the front lines, as well as rockets and glide bombs used by nearby airfields.”

The ammunition depot also likely stored artillery shells purchased from North Korea, with Pyongyang selling millions of artillery shells to Moscow.

The explosion in Toropets was recorded at 2.7 on the Richter scale, equivalent to a small earthquake, with fires covering an area of ​​6 km. It is very likely that the ammunition was poorly stored, making it vulnerable to OWA drones. [one-way attack uncrewed ariel vehicles]”The attack caused a series of successive explosions within the bunker systems, resulting in massive losses of ammunition,” British military intelligence added.

Despite the fanfare surrounding Russia’s air defense capabilities, the Russian military once again failed to prevent the destruction of a significant military target. Moscow claimed to have shot down more than 50 Ukrainian suicide drones in the attack, but that was clearly not enough. The Ukrainian military has been targeting Russia’s air defense capabilities for months. And the results are slowly becoming clear.

“This warehouse, which was refurbished in 2018, is one of the largest Russian strategic ammunition depots directly supporting its operations in Ukraine, storing more than 30,000 tons of ammunition,” British military intelligence reported.

British military intelligence added that “the recent improvements to the site were the result of poor storage of old explosives, which led to a series of explosions in several warehouses.”

During one such event 13 years ago, more than 3,000 homes were damaged and 30,000 people were forced to leave their homes.

While Kyiv awaits the green light to use Western-supplied munitions against targets in Russia, Ukrainian forces are using homemade missiles and suicide drones to great effect. However, the Ukrainian military needs to be able to use the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), Storm Shadow, and SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missiles against targets in Russia.

The United States, France and the United Kingdom prohibit the use of these munitions against targets inside Russia for fear of causing an escalation with Moscow.

But as the war approaches 1,000 days and more than a million people have been killed on both sides, fear of escalation no longer dictates decisions to support Ukraine militarily. That approach has been proven wrong time and time again, costing the Kremlin precious time and Ukrainian lives.

About the author:

Stavros Atalamazoglou is a veteran defense journalist specializing in special operations and a Hellenic Army veteran (national service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army Headquarters). He holds a BA from Johns Hopkins University and an MA from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. His work has been featured in Business Insider, Sandboxx, and SOFREP.

Image copyright: Creative Commons/Shutterstock.




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