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The world reacts to Nasrallah's assassination

The world reacts to Nasrallah's assassination


The Kremlin on Monday condemned the killing of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in an Israeli airstrike last week.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Nasrallah's death had led to serious destabilization in the entire region. “The Russian side condemns such actions, we believe that they have led to a significant destabilization of the situation in the region,” he told journalists.

“The bottom line is that such indiscriminate bombing of residential areas in Lebanon results in a considerable number of human casualties, which will inevitably lead to a humanitarian catastrophe like the one we are witnessing in Gaza,” he added, expressing the Moscow's “deepest concern”. “

The intensification of the Israeli offensive against Hezbollah has increased international concerns about the risk of a broader war in the Middle East involving Iran.

Additionally, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told the United Nations General Assembly that he was concerned about “the almost common practice of political assassinations.”

Lavrov called Nasrallah's killing over the weekend a political assassination and the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement called on Israel to immediately stop hostilities in Lebanon.

Similarly, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday condemned recent Israeli attacks in Lebanon as part of what he called an Israeli policy of “genocide, occupation and invasion,” urging the Security Council to UN and other bodies to stop Israel.

In a message on “determined”.

Other reactions

On the other hand, last week's assassination constitutes an abuse of Israel's right to defend itself, a spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

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“Hezbollah is of course a terrorist organization and this was obviously a meeting of the highest leadership of Hezbollah, from which it can be assumed, even remotely, that they were planning their future operations,” said the spokesperson.

“In this regard, there is also reason to believe that the right to self-defense was exercised here,” he added.

At least six people were killed and 91 people were injured during the September 28 operation, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry.

Germany is continuing its efforts to achieve a ceasefire between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah group, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told ARD television channel on Saturday, adding that the situation in the region was ” extremely dangerous.”

“There is a risk that this whole region could descend further into an absolute spiral of violence,” Baerbock said.

Asked about civilian deaths during the incident, the spokesperson said: “Every civilian casualty is one civilian casualty too many.”

France also reiterated calls for an immediate end to Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon and said it was opposed to any Israeli ground operations in Lebanon.

In a statement following a call with Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot also called on Hezbollah and Iran to refrain from any actions that could further destabilize the region.

Lebanon is facing a massive government crisis. It has not had a president since 2022, has a deeply divided cabinet and faces an economic crisis that has impoverished about 80% of the population, according to Reuters.

This is a developing story.




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