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Woman of Iron: Earthquake Engineer Building a More Resilient Future

Woman of Iron: Earthquake Engineer Building a More Resilient Future
Woman of Iron: Earthquake Engineer Building a More Resilient Future


The agency profiles employees to provide insight into a variety of career paths that support the agency's mission of Atoms for Peace and Development and to inspire and encourage readers, particularly women, to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields ). – Neighboring fields. Read more profiles of women at the IAEA.

Zeynep Gulers' career has been affected by earthquakes. She was a young civil engineer in training in Türkiye when a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck the country's Kocaeli province. It lasted 37 seconds, killed more than 18,000 people and infected tens of thousands of people. Hundreds of thousands lost their homes and businesses. Faced with this devastation, Gulersi, like many of her generation, decided to devote her career to trying to ensure that an earthquake would not take so many people away again. After graduating as a civil engineer, she obtained a master’s degree in earthquake engineering from the Middle East Technical University, then a doctorate in the same subject from the University of California, Davis, in the United States.

“I think my generation of civil engineers in Türkiye felt this responsibility on their shoulders: to prevent loss of life in the next big earthquake,” Gulerci says.

After receiving her doctorate, Gulers had no doubt about the responsibility she had. She returned to Türkiye, determined to apply the best practices she had learned, collect as much data as possible on active faults and earthquakes, and train the next generation of experts. Its goal was to ensure that when the next earthquake struck, countries would be better prepared to act to protect lives and property.

Over the next two decades, as a professor at her alma mater, Gulersi contributed to a variety of national and international projects, including a series of seismic risk assessments of critical infrastructure in Turkey, and a NATO project to develop seismic hazard maps for Turkey. Western Balkans region. When Türkiye decided to restart the National Nuclear Energy Programme, Zeynep was a natural choice as seismic advisor to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority. In this capacity, she also worked with the International Atomic Energy Agency on a number of capacity building missions. In 2022, she joined the External Incident Safety Section of the Nuclear Facilities Safety Section as a nuclear safety expert.

For Zainab, her work at the agency is a continuation of her life's work of building engineering capacity to mitigate and prevent damage from earthquakes. At the IAEA, this means supporting countries in developing comprehensive seismic risk assessments at the site of a potential nuclear facility and using the results to conduct safety analyzes based on the IAEA's safety standards.

“Nuclear power is essential to meet energy needs,” Gulersi says. “You cannot avoid all areas where earthquakes occur frequently. If you have enough resources, as long as you accurately assess the risks, and adapt your plans accordingly, you can build anything anywhere. We support countries to make the most of their resources to assess and mitigate earthquake risks.

Adapting to different countries' approaches to seismic risk assessment, and learning about their different needs, has been a special learning opportunity for Zainab at the IAEA.

Zainab has also developed skills in a new, but no less important, field: studying how climate change could affect the resilience of nuclear facilities and how safety assessment methods should be adapted to mitigate climate-related risks.

She explains that climate change is likely to challenge the nuclear industry in a way that earthquakes may not, because of its uncertainty.

She explained that power plants, including nuclear plants, are robust structures built to deal with climate-related events, but the analyzes generally rely on past weather records. However, climate change is causing weather conditions to be more dangerous than in the past. “A good example is the increasing number of heatwaves, where nuclear power plants have had to shut down operations due to rising temperatures. Because these nuclear facilities need to remain safe and stable for decades, we need to find new ways to incorporate changing climate conditions into safety assessments.” We have.




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