As unusually warm Mediterranean air descends over the UK, temperatures soar by more than 20 degrees in just a few days.

Temperatures are expected to soar into the low 20s in a matter of days as “exceptionally warm” air from the Mediterranean pushes north towards the UK.
Temperatures were in the single digits over the weekend, with some areas falling below freezing overnight.
Frost fell across the country and snow fell for the first time in the mountains of Scotland.
But in just a few days, things change.
Temperatures are sure to drop into the low 20s by the middle of next weekNETWEATHER
NetWeather's Ian Simpson said strong winds would push air up from the Mediterranean, causing temperatures to rise sharply by mid-week.
“Sunday looks set to be cool and sunny for most of us, but clouds will increase over the west in the afternoon and evening,” he said.
“However, a marked change in weather patterns is expected over the next week, with temperatures expected to rise significantly, mainly due to southerly winds, reaching levels well above average for the year as far as the Mediterranean.”
“The heat will peak on Wednesday and Thursday, with many parts of southern and eastern England in particular expected to reach the low 20s Celsius for a day or two. This is not a record-breaker for the year, but it is somewhat above average for mid-October. is the long-term average of .
Unseasonable temperatures are expected to remain for some time.
WX Chart
“There’s a chance it could be unusually warm for one or two nights.
“In parts of England and Wales, low temperatures are likely to reach 14-16C on Wednesday/Thursday night, which is close to what we would normally expect for daytime highs around mid-October in these areas.”
Exacta Weather's James Madden is predicting the same thing, predicting that unseasonable warning temperatures will remain in place for some time.
“Starting Sunday and Monday, high pressure will begin to rise across the coast, bathing us in much warmer temperatures than we have averaged for this year and October,” he said. This rise in high pressure could now take effect over the next few weeks until the end of October.
“But it may not be entirely straightforward, as the jet stream remains a bit erratic at times, interspersing these high pressures with rising pressure at times interspersed with unsettled weather and potentially bringing cool and cold days.”
In addition to warm temperatures, Simpson warned of thunderstorms next week, predicting: This applies mainly to southern England, especially south-west England, until Tuesday and Wednesday.
“Thunder activity tends to decline somewhat as we move into fall, but widespread thunder activity is possible in October in these settings, as demonstrated several times in mid-to-late October 2022.”
Despite a cold start to October, the end of October is expected to end with warmer-than-normal weather overall.
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