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Excitement as two new pandas arrive in the United States from China | Wildlife News

Excitement as two new pandas arrive in the United States from China | Wildlife News


The bears, part of China's panda diplomacy, will remain at the National Zoo in DC under a 10-year agreement.

China has sent two giant pandas to the United States to house them at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, DC, in a rare diplomatic opening between the two countries.

The three-year-old pandas, a male named Bao Li and a female named Qing Bao, arrived at Virginias Dulles International Airport, which serves the US capital, on Tuesday.

They are among a small handful of black and white bears still in the United States, which have sent most of the highly sought-after animals back to their native China in recent years under pre-deals. This includes the return last November of the only three pandas living at the National Zoo in Washington.

Many saw the lack of a quick replacement for the three pandas as a reflection of growing friction between the United States and China, but Chinese President Xi Jinping quickly promised that he would send new pandas as envoys from the 'friendship.

In August, the San Diego Zoo welcomed two new giant pandas, the first to arrive in the United States in 21 years.

Iconic part of DC

Anticipation for the arrival of the two new pandas in Washington, D.C., is high, with the zoo's website displaying a banner reading: The pandas are coming.

Giant pandas are an iconic part of Washington, DC's history, both for locals and incoming travelers, said Elliott L Ferguson, II, president and CEO of Destination DC. The interest and enthusiasm associated with their return directly benefits the entire city, driving more interest and visitors to our hotels, restaurants and other attractions.

Visitors to the National Zoo are excited about the arrival of the two new pandas [Ken Cedeno/Reuters]

The National Zoo has renovated its panda habitat in anticipation of the new bears' arrival, installing new shallow pools and bamboo stands.

The pandas will not be accessible to the public for more than a month while they are quarantined and acclimatized to their new habitat.

Panda diplomacy

China has used so-called panda diplomacy since 1972, when the first animals were sent as gifts to Washington, following US President Richard Nixon's historic visit to China.

Later, a series of 10-year cooperation agreements were reached, to which Chinese Embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu credited the advancement of panda preservation research.

The current round of cooperation will focus on preventing and treating major diseases, as well as protecting giant panda habitats and wild populations, Liu told The Associated Press by email. We hope that the arrival of the pandas will give new impetus to exchanges between China and the United States and also help stabilize broader bilateral relations.

In 2014, there were approximately 1,860 giant pandas in the wild, an increase of 17% from the previous decade, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). In 2021, Chinese conservationists reclassified the animal from an endangered species to a vulnerable species.




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