Ketogenic diet may be good for menstrual health
Ketogenic diets may uniquely impact menstrual cycles in premenopausal women, with increased frequency and intensity reported, suggesting that ketosis may impact women's physiology beyond weight loss. It is suggested that there is.
study: Self-reported menstrual periods are positively regulated by well-formulated, energy-controlled ketogenic and low-fat diets in overweight/obese women of reproductive age.. Image credit: voloshin311/
In a recent study published in Pro Swanresearchers investigated the relationship between diet and menstrual changes in obese and overweight women.
Their findings indicate that a ketogenic diet (KD), but not a low-fat diet (LFD), can increase the intensity and frequency of menstruation.
The accumulation of excess body fat, especially around organs, carries several health risks, including inhibition of glucose metabolism. The result is high triglycerides, high fasting blood sugar, and decreased insulin function, which are early signs of insulin resistance.
An estimated 40% of adult women in the United States have prediabetes or diabetes, which puts them at higher risk for developing hormone-related problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), irregular periods, and infertility. However, you may be able to prevent these problems by changing your diet.
After the KD, a nutritious diet of high fat, moderately high protein, and low carbohydrates should be followed for 3 to 5 days to induce ketosis as the body burns fat due to carbohydrate restriction.
KD can improve blood markers during both weight loss and maintenance phases, and ketone supplements can further improve blood sugar levels.
LFD regimens have been studied in postmenopausal women with insulin resistance, and long-term LFD regimens can improve metabolic health, although efficacy is variable.
Currently, KD has emerged as a potential alternative to improve insulin sensitivity, hormones, androgens, and cholesterol in women, but these effects have not been well studied.
About research
Premenopausal women with a mean age of 31.6 years were recruited from Ohio. Of the 19 women enrolled, 13 were randomized to the KD group and 6 were included in the LFD group as controls.
People on a low-carbohydrate diet, people with gastrointestinal problems, certain other medical conditions, and heavy alcohol intake were excluded, as were people who had experienced recent weight loss. Two of the participants were taking oral contraceptives at the time of the study.
This study was part of a larger study on LFD and KD in obese and overweight women and men.
The six-week study included three groups. One adhered to the KD using ketone salts twice a day, one followed the KD using a placebo, and the third group followed the LFD using nitrogen and calories similar to the KD. . Meals were prepared in a controlled kitchen.
During the six-week study, participants fasted and hydrated and had their weight, height, and body composition measured before biweekly visits.
Researchers collected information on self-reported menstrual changes, inflammation, blood lipids, insulin resistance, insulin, glucose, blood ketones, body composition, and weight changes.
In the menstrual survey, participants reported changes in menstrual frequency or intensity on days 14, 28, and 42. Responses were categorized as “no change,” “change in frequency,” “change in intensity,” or “menstruation has returned.”
Survey results
After day one, the levels of markers of ketosis were similar across the three diets, but thereafter the two KD groups showed higher levels of the markers than the LFD and reached nutritional ketosis throughout the study.
The two KD groups reported more menstrual cycle changes compared to LFD. Women who reported changes had higher body mass index (BMI). 85% of women undergoing KD reported changes in the frequency or intensity of their menstrual cycles, whereas LFD participants reported no changes.
Six KD participants regained menstruation for the first time in a long time, especially among participants who were not using contraception.
Significant weight loss (average 7.1 kg) and BMI reduction (2.6 kg/m3)2 on average) were seen during the study period. Approximately 73% of the weight loss was fat and 27% was lean mass.
Although there was no significant effect on plasma glucose, fasting insulin was significantly lower across the study and lower insulin levels were seen on the LFD compared to the KD diet with ketone supplements.
Insulin sensitivity improved with weight loss. Cholesterol levels decreased over time, but diet had no significant effect on cholesterol levels. Weight loss had no effect on inflammatory markers.
Women with KD reported menstrual changes, but women with LFD did not. This suggests a unique effect of KD on menstrual physiology, possibly due to ketone bodies. KD appears to have unique effects on menstruation, independent of weight loss.
Both KD and LFD achieved significant reductions in body weight, BMI, body fat, insulin levels, and cardiovascular risk factors. Accurately measured diets helped ensure reliable results of health indicators.
Larger studies are needed to investigate the effects of diet on women's hormones and metabolism. These studies should focus on insulin-resistant conditions such as PCOS to determine how diet and ketone bodies influence ovulation and reproductive health.
Reference magazines:
Kachley, M.L., Bugha, A., Brownlow, M.L., O'Connor, A., Sapper, T.N., Crabtree, C.D., Robinson, B.T., Stoner, J.T., Decker, D.D., Soma, L., and Volek, J.S. (2024) ) Self-reported menstrual physiology is positively regulated by a well-formulated, energy-controlled ketogenic diet compared to a low-fat diet in overweight/obese women of reproductive age. Pro Swan. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293670.
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