PM Modi's 'divisive' society will have no association with those allied to BJP: Sharad Pawar
Pune: Sharad Pawar, a senior opposition leader, on Friday accused Narendra Modi of “dividing” society by criticizing the prime minister's campaign speeches and stressing that he would have no association with those allied with the BJP, when he was asked about the possibility of a post-election meeting. with his ex-nephew Ajit Pawar.
In an interview with PTI, Pawar, considered the architect of the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) in Maharashtra, said the ruling Mahayuti had used “enormous surveillance force”, including through cash transfer programs, to influence the elections that followed. its poor performance in the state in the Lok Sabha polls.
But people will reject them, he says. The four-term former Maharashtra Chief Minister and former Union Minister has been vocal in his criticism of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, whose slogan “batengain to katengain” drew criticism even from some BJP leaders and allies like Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar.
The Nationalist Congress Party (SP) president said, “He (Adityanath) is known for these communal expressions. Why give it importance? I don't want to say even a single sentence about him. communitarianism. They are not doing the nation any service. » Asked about Modi's sweeping campaign in which he accused the opposition of dividing society along caste lines and sought unity of the people in favor of the ruling BJP-Shiv Sena-Congress Party alliance nationalist, Sharad Pawar replied.
“He is the Prime Minister. He is saying certain things. What he is saying about our associates (allies) is very unfair. He himself is dividing society. You can see his speeches in recent days and the questions that “he raises for his political interests,” he said. Pawar said he had witnessed a lot of “unrest” among the people during his extensive campaign.
The Prime Minister accused the Congress-Shiv Sena (UBT)-NCP (SP) alliance of seeking to divide society and pursuing a policy of appeasement, and called for unity with his 'ek hain to safe' appeal hate.” The Congress and the BJP's former ally, the Shiv Sena (UBT) led by Uddhav Thackeray, have been particularly targets of his harsh criticism.
Spearheading the MVA's campaign and also making determined efforts to regain his party's position in its strongholds, especially in western Maharashtra after the 2023 split, Pawar, 83, said he was confident in his ability to obtain popular support during the election.
“People are very unhappy (with the state government), especially farmers and the younger generation. Whenever they get a chance to vote, they will favor people like us and our associates,” he said. -he declared, while refusing to give any assessment of the situation. number of seats that the MVA could win out of the 288 members of the assembly.
When asked if he saw any possibility of him and his nephew coming together after the elections, Sharad Pawar said he would not have any association with those who are part of the BJP. “We have our own party. There are those who are associated with the BJP. There is no question of even discussing these things,” he said.
When asked if he ruled out any association with his nephew, Sharad Pawar stressed that he would not have any contact with those who are with the BJP. Ajit Pawar had left with the majority of the then undivided group of MPs in 2023 to ally with the BJP.
Senior NCP leader Pawar termed NCP leaders who sided with his nephew and many currently fighting coalition elections as 'traitors' in power, and said he was convinced that the people would serve justice in the November 20 elections.
In his comments, Ajit Pawar also ruled out any possibility of joining hands with his uncle. However, in the state's political arena, full of regional satraps with malleable ideology and fluid loyalties, the buzz around a post-poll realignment of forces based on the nature of the verdict has never. stopped.
Responding to a question on the claim that the ruling alliance could have regained ground after losing Lok Sabha by launching several welfare schemes including 'Ladki Bahin', Sharad Pawar said the government had resorted to this solution after realizing the dissatisfaction of the population with its performance.
“They realized they weren't getting a positive response. They're using a lot of money,” he said. Asked about the perceived reaction to 'Ladki Bahin', a Rs 1,500 cash transfer scheme to women, Senior Pawar said any such monetary measure is bound to have repercussions here and there, but his observation is that women will vote for his peace alliance. , safety and general well-being.
As the BJP strengthens its Hindutva campaign in the state assembly elections, he noted that the ruling alliance has been emphasizing on this element, but added that one will have to wait for the poll results to know its impact.
Sources 2/ https://www.etvbharat.com/en/!bharat/pm-modi-dividing-society-will-have-no-association-with-those-allied-with-bjp-sharad-pawar-enn24111503752 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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