Governments around the world have faced backlash in 2024. One exception: Narendra Modi | Latest news India
Governments around the world, whether left or right, regardless of their mandate, have faced strong opposition from disaffected voters this year, which has been dubbed a super election year.
Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election added to a series of setbacks for the ruling parties in 2024, with elections held in around 70 countries, representing almost half the world's population.
Voter discontent has been driven by a variety of issues, but a common factor is the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals and businesses are struggling to recover, facing high prices, tight public budgets and increased migration.
There is a general sense of frustration with political elites as out of touch that cuts across ideological lines, the Associated Press quoted Richard Wike, director of global attitudes research at Pew Research, as saying. Center.
He added that a Pew poll of 24 countries found that the appeal of democracy is declining as voters face increasing economic hardship and feel that no political group truly represents their interests.
Are Western democracies facing a crisis?
Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, incumbents have lost office in 40 of 54 elections in Western democracies, highlighting a significant disadvantage for incumbents, according to Steven Levitsky, a political scientist at Harvard University.
In the UK, the Conservatives suffered their worst result since 1832 in July's election, which saw the centre-left Labor Party return to power after 14 years.
Meanwhile, across the Channel, the far right has made major gains, challenging the ruling parties in France and Germany in June's European Parliament elections, affecting key members and the most powerful in the EU.
The results prompted French President Emmanuel Macron to call legislative elections, aimed at curbing the rise of the far right in France.
The anti-immigration National Rally party received the highest number of votes in the first round, but strategic alliances and tactical voting allowed it to finish in third place in the second round. This result resulted in a fragile government overseeing a divided legislature.
Is voter discontent changing power in Asia?
In Asia, South Korea's liberal opposition parties, led by the Democratic Party, triumphed over the ruling conservative People Power Party in April's legislative elections.
In India, despite expectations of a landslide victory, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) suffered a setback in June. Voters turned away from the BJP, leading to the loss of its parliamentary majority, although the party remained in power with the support of its allies.
Similarly, in Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), in power since 1955, was heavily criticized by voters during the October elections.
Anti-current sentiment rises in Africa, Mexico stands out
In Africa, the tendency for incumbents to face voter backlash is evident, particularly in countries with strong democratic institutions. South Africa, Senegal and Botswana have experienced either government coalitions or leadership changes, with Botswana's ruling party losing power after 58 years.
However, some countries led by authoritarian leaders, such as Rwandan President Paul Kagame, have continued to achieve landslide victories. According to Chatham House's Alex Vines, voters, particularly younger generations, are increasingly focused on issues such as the cost of living, with fewer memories of decolonization and apartheid.
In Latin America, Mexico is an exception. Despite the global trend, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's hand-picked successor, Claudia Sheinbaum, easily won the June presidential election. Mexican voters also showed higher levels of satisfaction with the economic situation.
WITH AP inputs
Sources 2/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/governments-across-globe-faced-backlash-in-2024-one-exception-narendra-modi-101731904639390.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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