Imran Khan's supporters face Pakistani forces: what we know | Imran Khan News

Thousands of Pakistani protesters demanding the release of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan broke through security barriers and defied lockdown to enter the capital, Islamabad.
Khans Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party protesters, many brandishing slingshots and sticks, clashed with security forces on Tuesday as they tried to reach a central square D-Chowk in the face of gas tear gas and rubber bullets. By early afternoon, many had arrived on the square.
The government invoked Article 245 of the Constitution, which allows a civilian government to call on the military to help enforce law and order domestically.
What is happening in Pakistan?
Convoys of protesters began heading towards Islamabad from different parts of the country on Sunday, led by various PTI leaders.
The main convoy from Peshawar in the country's restive northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a party stronghold, was led by Khan's wife Bushra Bibi alongside Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur .
On Monday, Bibi told Khan's supporters that protests would continue until his release.
Ahead of the protest, police arrested more than 4,000 protesters across the country and the government suspended mobile and internet services.
Why is Imran Khan in jail?
Khan, 72, was first arrested on May 9, 2023 in a corruption case. The Supreme Court ordered his release two days later, but he was arrested again in August 2023 and convicted in a case related to the illegal sale of state gifts. He has been in detention ever since.
The former prime minister, who was removed from power in April 2022 after losing a no-confidence vote in Parliament, has more than 150 cases against him, which the PTI says are politically motivated.
What are the demonstrators' demands?
Besides Khan's release, the PTI also demands the following:
Revoke Controversial Constitutional Amendments: The 26th Amendment was hastily passed by both houses of Parliament, the Senate and the National Assembly, last October. The changes radically alter the judicial system, setting a fixed three-year term for the chief justice of the Supreme Court, who will now be chosen by a parliamentary committee. It also weakened the powers of the highest court, with constitutional cases and those involving fundamental rights being transferred to constitutional courts, for example. Omar Ayub Khan, leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, PTI, said the amendments stifled a free judiciary. Return the stolen mandate: After the February 8 general elections, marred by allegations of electoral fraud and delayed results, an alliance of six parties, including the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) and the Pakistan People's Party (PPP ), formed a government with Shehbaz. Sharif as Prime Minister. PTI members claim that the government coalition is made up of mandate thieves. On November 17, Haleem Adil Sheikh, PTI chairman in Pakistan's Sindh province, said the party would recover the stolen mandate. Political prisoners free: Khan's initial arrest on May 9 sparked nationwide protests. Dozens of protesters have been arrested and some are still behind bars.
Calling all Pakistanis!
This November 24, let's come together for the captains #FinalCall for Haqeeqi Azaadi.
Our main demands:
-Revoke the 26th Amendment and restore the Constitution. -Return the stolen money order. -Release all political prisoners.
It's time to stand united pic.twitter.com/IP2oH7fSAh
PTI (@PTIofficial) November 22, 2024
What is the latest one?
Khan's supporters clashed with police, who used tear gas and rubber bullets against protesters, Monday evening and Tuesday.
These supporters are determined. They are passionate. They cleared obstacles, which took them several days to reach Islamabad, said Kamal Hyder of Al Jazeeras, reporting from Islamabad.
At least four paramilitary rangers and two police officers have been killed and dozens injured in clashes with PTI members since Monday, the interior ministry said.
Islamabad was placed under security lockdown on Monday and Tuesday, with gatherings of any kind banned and educational institutions closed. Schools were also closed in the neighboring city of Rawalpindi.
Amid this chaos in the capital, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko arrived in Pakistan on Monday for a three-day visit. He was received by Sharif at an air base in Rawalpindi.
Sharif said in a statement: “These disruptive elements do not seek revolution but bloodshed.
Al Jazeeras Hyder described Islamabad as a city virtually under siege.
So far we have not seen the military actively involved in trying to stop the protesters, but paramilitary forces and thousands of police officers have been mobilized, he said.
Where are the protesters now?
On Tuesday, some protesters reached D-Chowk, near important government buildings, including the Prime Minister's Office, where they want to stage a sit-in.
Also called Democracy Chowk, it is a popular protest venue. It is located in what is called the Red Zone.
They had already managed to cross the G-9 highway, about 15 km from D-Chowk, despite the fact that the path was blocked by barriers such as large shipping containers and barbed wire. Security forces also used stun grenades and tear gas to disperse the crowds.
What did Mohsin Naqvi say?
Naqvi, the federal interior minister, said the government had suggested Sangjani, on the outskirts of Islamabad, as an alternative venue for the protest during late-night talks with representatives of the protesters.
He also said PTI leaders, including Gohar Ali Khan, met Khan in his jail cell twice on Monday evening for advice on the matter, but did not report receiving a response.
Naqvi warned protesters against crossing the red zone and marching towards D-Chowk, saying the government would take extreme measures and arrests.
What is Section 245?
Article 245 of the Constitution authorizes the civilian government to call upon the military to assist in enforcing law and order.
The first clause of the article says: The armed forces shall, under the instructions of the Federal Government, defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war and, subject to law, act in aid of the civil power when they are called to do so.
He adds that the validity of the directives given by the federal government under the first article cannot be doubted.
The article also prohibits any high court from passing a verdict regarding an area where the army has been deployed.
Is the Internet connection interrupted?
Internet disruptions have been reported in several cities across Pakistan since late last week. On Saturday, internet watchdog NetBlocks issued an update saying WhatsApp backends have been restricted in the country, making it difficult to share media such as photographs or voice messages.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/26/imran-khan-supporters-in-showdown-with-pakistan-forces-what-we-know The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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