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Kitty Spencer puts on a beloved display with 80 million fashion mogul fianc Michael Lewis, 60,


Lady Kitty Spencer presented a beloved display with the fiancé of 80 million fashion moguls Michael Lewis as they shop for rings in Florence today.

Princess Diana’s niece, 29, looked chic in a flowing blue and white striped dress for the occasion and wore a mask,paired with her 30-carat diamond engagement ring with an estimated value of 300,000.

The company model is said to have become engaged to fashion mogul Lewis, 61, 32 years her senior and five years older than her father Earl Spencer, after Michael’s proposal in Cape Town at Christmas.

Last week Lady Kitty Spencer led the fashion pack as they descended on Florence for a packed program of dining, dancing and haute couture catwalks in a lavish celebration hosted by Dolce & Gabbana.

Lady Kitty Spencer, 39, joined the fiancé of 80 million fashion moguls Michael Lewis, 61, as they shop for rings in Florence today

Lady Kitty Spencer, 39, joined the fiancé of 80 million fashion moguls Michael Lewis, 61, as they shop for rings in Florence today

Michael, who is worth around 80 million euros, donned a pair of blue denim jeans paired with a stylish blazer and pale blue shirt.

Lady Kitty and Michael went public with their relationship during a walk in New York City in May and were seen kissing after leaving Club 55 in St Tropez in August.

An expert previously revealed that the company’s model wore an emerald-cut diamond engagement ring with around 30 carats of flawless diamonds.

Speaking to MailOnline, reviewer Oliver Horner of Prestige Pawnbrokers from Posh Paw of Channel 4 said: “ This beautiful full diamond engagement ring is of very high quality.

The couple presented a beloved display as they strolled through town, where they entered stores and went shopping at Bvlgari.

The couple presented a beloved display as they strolled through town, where they entered stores and went shopping at Bvlgari.

“ The entire bracelet is set with large emerald cut diamonds, each stone appears to be around a carat and a half and I estimate the total diamond weight in the ring to be between 25 and 30 carats.

“Judging from the picture, the diamonds appear to be of exceptional quality and I rate a degree of clarity to be between flawless and VVS1 and color D to F which is best.

“I believe that a ring of this exceptional quality would cost between 200,000 and 300,000 perhaps even more given the provenance of such a piece.

Kitty grew up in Cape Town and spent Christmas, her birthday and New Years Eve in South Africa, where Michael is also based.

The couple, who are 32 years old, appeared relaxed as they strolled through Florence on the outing

The couple, who are 32 years old, appeared relaxed as they strolled through Florence on the outing

Michael has three grown children and was previously married to a woman named Leola in 1985.

Kitty, who was spotted in the 19million mansion mansion in central London last summer, told the Mail at the time that she did not feel ‘rushed’ to start a family.

“I can see myself having children at one point… but I’m only twenty. I have friends my age who have kids, and they’re so, so sweet, but I think everyone should do things at their own pace.

Princess Diana's niece flew to the French Riviera earlier this month and has now traveled to Italy, where she has enjoyed the view of a volcanic crater south of Rome, visited the city de Nemi and visited the Pope's summer palace.  Pictured at Nemi in a 1750 D&G dress

Princess Diana’s niece flew to the French Riviera earlier this month and has now traveled to Italy, where she has enjoyed the view of a volcanic crater south of Rome, visited the city de Nemi and visited the Pope’s summer palace. Pictured at Nemi in a 1750 D&G dress

Lewis’s ex-wife Leola, 59, has signed a prenuptial agreement but it is not yet known whether Lady Kitty will follow suit.

Last week, Kitty joined a host of other fashionistas who have taken to Tuscany to enjoy at least three different events hosted at exclusive venues across town by D&G.

She flew to the French Riviera earlier this month and has now traveled to Italy, where she enjoyed the view of a volcanic crater south of Rome, visited the town of Nemi and visited the palace summer of the Pope.

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