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Climate change increases the risk of tropical diseases in Europe


Articles published in Lancet Planetary Health The warm climate warns that sub-Saharan Africa may experience public health hazards related to changes in mosquito-borne diseases. And European experts are concerned about the potential increase in tropical disease cases brought about by the increased number of tiger mosquitoes.

Professor Jansemenza, who heads the section of the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), which assesses the threat of infectious diseases across Europe, said: We are concerned about the move to Europe as it can turn into a life-threatening situation. “

Changes in risk situation for travelers

Malaria is endemic by Anopheles gambiae, which stings at night, affecting more than 200 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa. Public health authorities are developing advanced strategies to curb the epidemic. However, in Africa, another mosquito has spread Rift Valley Fever, Yellow Fever, Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue, and Aedes aegypti, which stings during the day, is not affected by these measures that help prevent the spread of malaria.

In Europe, Aedes albopictus (also known as tiger mosquito) native to Southeast Asia threatens the spread of tropical diseases. And, like Aedes aegypti in Africa, tiger mosquitoes prefer warmer climates and artificial habitats for breeding.

Proximity to densely populated areas, where both locals and travelers are on foot, can significantly increase cases of human transmission, so travel health risks in these areas need to be reassessed. there is. For example, popular tourist destinations in Africa, Kenya and Uganda, are projected to become high-risk zones for both malaria and dengue fever by 2050 as temperatures rise. Lancet paper. “Climate variability will reshape the situation of infectious diseases,” said Stanford biologist. Africa-focused research..

Sustainable tourism helps prevent the spread of tropical diseases

Dr. Jeremy Buyer, a biologist and mosquito expert at the French Center for International Development Research (CIRAD), said Europe will be in the next 5-10 years unless further measures are taken to control the number of mosquitoes. We anticipate that we may face a chaotic dengue epidemic within. Develop a type of insect contraception that ultimately reduces the number of disease-carrying tiger mosquitoes. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, tests of a naturally occurring bacterium called Wolbachia, which blocks the replication and transmission of the dengue virus in mosquitoes, have shown a reduction in cases of dengue.

However, both Bouyer and Stanford’s studies show that reducing the amount of waste, such as plastic, that provides a perfect watering breeding ground for Aedes aegypti larvae is important to help prevent the spread of these diseases. I admit that it will be a great step. Sustainable tourism appears to play an important role in preventing the spread of mosquito-borne diseases.

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