COVID-19 is likely to be seasonal, but scientists say it’s not yet
When the immunity of the flock is achieved, the novel Coronavirus In countries with warmer climates, this may follow suit as a seasonal virus, but until then COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears According to new research, it will continue to spread over the seasons.
According to a review study published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, a significant portion of the population is no longer affected by the new coronavirus, and gaining herd immunity significantly reduces the effective transmission of the virus, which is seasonal. Fluctuation trends can be greater.
“COVID-19 will stay here and continue to cause outbreaks all year round until herd immunity is achieved,” warned Hassan Zaraket, lead author of a study at the American University in Beirut, Lebanon.
“Therefore, the public needs to learn how to co-exist with it and continue to implement the best precautions such as wearing masks, physical distance, hand hygiene and avoiding gatherings,” Zaraket added.
According to scientists, multiple waves of COVID-19 may be present before flock immunity is achieved.
Citing early studies, he said that another respiratory virus, similar to the new coronavirus-SARS-CoV-2-, follows a seasonal pattern, especially in temperate regions.
They said that some types of coronaviruses that cause influenza and the common cold peak in winter in temperate regions, but are known to circulate year-round in tropics.
In the study, scientists reviewed these seasonal viruses for up-to-date knowledge of the viruses and host factors that control seasonality, as well as the stability and transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
They explained that human behavior, such as virus survival in the air and on the surface, people’s susceptibility to infection, and indoor congestion, varies from season to season due to changes in temperature and humidity.
Studies point out that these factors affect the transmission of respiratory viruses at different times of the year.
However, the transmission rate of COVID-19 is high compared to other respiratory viruses such as influenza. At least in part, it is due to the circulation of immunologically naive populations.
Therefore, unlike influenza and other respiratory viruses, the seasonal factors that influence the virus’s seasonality cannot yet stop the spread of COVID-19 during the summer.
However, they believe that when herd immunity is achieved by natural infection and vaccination, the prevalence of COVID-19 will be significantly reduced and the virus will be more susceptible to seasonal factors.
Researchers have stated that such seasonality has been reported with other coronaviruses, including those that have recently emerged, such as NL63 and HKU1, which follow the same circulation pattern as influenza.
“This is still a new virus, and despite the fast-growing organization of science about it, there is still something unknown,” Sarackett said.
“It will be seen whether our predictions hold true, but given what we know so far, COVID-19, like other coronaviruses, will eventually become seasonal. We are thinking, “he added.
Scientists pointed out that the highest per capita COVID-19 infection rates were recorded in the Gulf countries, regardless of the hot summer season.
“This is primarily due to the rapid spread of the virus in closed communities, but confirmed the need for strict control measures to limit the spread of the virus until flock immunity was achieved. “Yes,” said Yashin.
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