Here’s what you need to know about Trump’s COVID-19 treatment:
- After a positive COVID-19 test, the president was given an antibody drug along with several other treatments.
- The president’s age, weight, and gender make him
Higher risk Of serious illness from COVID-19. - He is taking both treatment and common steroids.
White house on friday Presentation President Donald Trump received antibody treatment after testing positive for the causative virus, SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..
The president’s age, weight, and gender make him
He is also taking zinc, vitamin D, the acid reflux disease drug famotidine (pepsid), melatonin, and daily aspirin, the White House reports.
Trump’s medical team on Sunday report He began taking the steroid dexamethasone after the president’s oxygen saturation dropped by two.
This is what we currently know about the treatment Trump is receiving for COVID-19.
The Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail, developed by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, is a combination of two antibodies that target the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The virus uses spike proteins to bind to cells and infect them.
Scientists have Previously tested This drug contained in golden hamsters and rhesus monkeys intentionally infected with SARS-CoV-2. Animals treated with the drug had lower viral levels in the lower and upper respiratory tracts and had fewer symptoms of illness.
Regeneron is currently testing cocktails in non-hospitalized people who are COVID-19 positive, asymptomatic, or have mild or moderate symptoms.
The drug has been released in clinical trials, but the company has released it. Preliminary results last week.
These data show that at the beginning of the study, the drug reduced viral load and shortened the duration of symptoms in people who did not have detectable antibodies. This drug was not very effective for people who already had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2.
This drug was also effective for people with high viral load. No information is available about Trump’s viral load before he is given this drug.
This antibody cocktail has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Trump doctor May be Required to prescribe medication through the FDA’s “”Compassionate useA route for treatment.
Dr. Teresa Murray Amato, Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, said:
However, with so little clinical trial data available, it is difficult to know if this drug will help the president.
Remdesivir An antiviral drug developed by Gilead Sciences. Previously tested as a treatment for hepatitis C and Ebola, it did not work well for these diseases.
A Clinical trial Earlier this year, the drug was shown to provide moderate benefits to inpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19.
“There have been some positive studies using remdesivir. Remdesivir is an antiviral drug that reduces viral replication and appears to have fewer side effects,” said Amato.
As a result of this clinical trial, the FDA has granted emergency use permission for patients with severe COVID-19. August, FDA
However, the true benefits of the drug over COVID-19 are uncertain.
Studies have shown that remdesivir can reduce hospital stays by four days, but it does not reduce the risk of death from the coronavirus.
Dr. Mangara NarasimhanNorthwell Health Senior Vice President of Emergency Services said Trump, who received remdesivir, was a “goal” for doctors to do for patients admitted with COVID-19. But she adds, this assumes he’s like any other inpatient.
“It’s hard to know how sick he is,” she said. “We are not getting really good information.”
Dexamethasone Is a common steroid that has been shown to help people with severe COVID-19. Due to its side effects, this drug is not recommended for people in the early stages of illness.
National Institute of Health Treatment guidelines For COVID-19, we recommend using dexamethasone for patients on mechanical ventilation or for patients who are not on mechanical ventilation but need oxygen supplementation.
“Dexamethasone can reduce the mortality rate of patients infected with the more serious disease COVID-19,” Amato said. “It helps mitigate the immune response that leads to complications such as hypoxia (hypoxia), respiratory failure, kidney failure, and other organ failure.”
However, NIH guidelines recommend that people who are not oxygenated should not use this drug.
Dr. Sean Conley, Trump’s Doctor Said on sunday The president has experienced two “temporary” drops in blood oxygen saturation. One is Friday and the other is Saturday.
Trump was oxygenated for about an hour on Friday. Conley wasn’t sure if the president was given oxygen on Saturday.
Conley added that as a result of Saturday’s drop, the president’s medical team decided to start him with medicine.
Dexamethasone can suppress the activity of the immune system and may help people with severe COVID-19 that can cause an overreaction of the immune system.
However, if steroids are given too early, the immune system’s ability to fight the virus can be affected.
Dexamethasone can also cause other side effects such as nausea, vomiting, sleep disorders and severe mood swings.
NIH guidelines Clinical trial Earlier this year, researchers at Oxford University showed that the drug would only benefit patients who were ill enough to require oxygenation.
“In that study, for patients not taking [supplemental] Oxygen was actually harmful to those patients, “Narasimhan said. “So it’s a little unusual [that Trump would receive dexamethasone] If what they are telling us about his oxygen levels is true. “
“It feels like we have an uninformed level of illness because of the fact that they gave him dexamethasone,” she added.
Vitamin D And zinc are both being investigated as possible treatments for COVID-19. Both nutrients are required for proper functioning of the immune system, but their benefits over COVID-19 are unknown.
“Some doctors in the country believe that cocktails of zinc, vitamin D, and steroids are very beneficial in reducing the inflammatory response of COVID-19,” said Narasimhan. “But there is no good, difficult scientific data on the dissertation to show that.”
Recent one
further, Investigation In Spain, COVID-19 patients with low blood levels of zinc were found to be at increased risk of dying from the disease.
Since these are all observational studies, there is no indication of a causal relationship between nutrients and the virus or the severity of COVID-19. However, Randomized controlled trial (RCT) Both nutrients are in progress.
FamotidineA heartburn remedy sold under the name Pepsid has been proposed as a treatment for COVID-19. However, there is very little data to support this.
Earlier this year Clinical trial A percentage of hospitalized patients in New York found that the drug could bring some benefits to COVID-19 patients.
However, the lab that initiated the study reported last week that it issued a statement that the efficacy of the drug against COVID-19 was uncertain. Science..
Sleep aid Melatonin There is also Early stage As a result of COVID-19 clinical trials, there are no results supporting its use in COVID-19 patients.
Other studies have shown that this compound has anti-inflammatory and immunopotentiating effects in other diseases.
To Animal model, It can reduce the cytokine, an inflammatory molecule that can contribute to the severity of COVID-19.
Trump reports taking lower daily doses of aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease, at least since 2018 Vox..
Serious heart disease
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