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“They are Needed by Health Professionals”: Public Health Begs Residents to Stop Buying N95 Masks


The illustration in this photo, taken on January 28, 2020, shows a Bangkok protective mask. -Thailand has detected 14 cases of a novel coronavirus, a virus similar to the SARS pathogen that began in Wuhan, China. (P

Los Angeles County public health officials are asking citizens not to purchase N95 masks so health professionals can access them.

“Everyone in the public doesn’t have to go outside to get an N95 mask at all. They’re scarce, and healthcare workers are in desperate need,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in Los Angeles County. Dr. begged on Wednesday.

“It’s most important that all our healthcare professionals have the masks they need to do their best work and be protected, so they can protect us. “She said. “If our healthcare workers don’t have personal protective equipment, it’s impossible for them to do their job, and that’s the kind of thing we need when we need it I mean that I can’t get health care sickness. “

Her petition was filed by county health officials Health worker died COVID-19.

Relation: Los Angeles County medical worker dies from COVID-19

The surge in coronavirus cases in counties and states has led to a significant lack of protective gear for health professionals.

Health professionals treating coronavirus patients N95 mask Because they are fighting at the forefront of the disease and need proper protection.

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The virus is thought to spread primarily through droplets from coughing and sneezing. Subsequently, health care professionals recommend that individuals, in addition to frequent hand washing and face contact, maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between each other.

Healthcare professionals need tight-fitting filtering masks to perform the procedure on COVID-19 individuals who may produce smaller particles. N95 maskFor proper protection.

Ferrer recommended that non-medical professionals wear homemade masks to protect the supply of N95 masks for healthcare professionals.

“This could be a scarf, bandana, or mask made from pieces of fabric,” Ferrer said.

She said that doing so would help reduce the number of droplets that could come out of the mouth and contaminate others, even without the symptoms of COVID-19.

This is essential to slow the spread, as there is increasing evidence that coronavirus infection is being spread by people without apparent symptoms. On Wednesday, the US Centers for Disease Control changed the definition of the risk of infection for Americans, stating that anyone with or without symptoms could be considered a carrier.

Relation: Public health officials are asking residents not to use face masks instead of social distance

“Wearing a mask is not a shield and does not replace our request that you are at home. You are always practicing social distance, you will not infect yourself later Using hand-washing as the primary means of making sure that you are touching something or someone that may be infected and self-isolating and self-isolating when appropriate. ” He said.

The Right Mask for Your Task: Johns Hopkins University Guide

Relation:, FOX launches a national hub for COVID-19 news and updates.

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