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What you need to know about professionally whitening your teeth

What you need to know about professionally whitening your teeth


Hairdressers and dental clinics are open so far, but if anything was taught in 2020, it is not premised on maintaining the status quo.

With this in mind, many of us are editing the beauty treatments and self-improvement wishlists we want to book in case the beauty and wellness industry may be forced to close the door again. I will.

And to be honest, there was no more time to book to professionally whiten your teeth.After some direct appointments, the process is not only completed primarily at home using whitening trays, but also different from over-the-counter Household whitening products Variable (variableAnd almost very limited) Experts in its effectiveness Tooth whitening Safe and effective for getting the most pearly white.

But which dentist do I need to book with? And what should I know before booking?

I met Dr. Krystyna Wilczynski, a White & Co aesthetic dentist, for advice on what to look out for when booking with a dentist for tooth whitening and what to expect from a good treatment.

What does professional tooth whitening include?

Professional bleaching is the most common method of tooth whitening. First they take a scan of your teeth and then send them to a specialized registered laboratory. Next, a custom-made, custom-made vacuum-formed gel tray is provided, which is filled with carbamide peroxide gel. When this active ingredient enters enamel, it is broken down by oxygen and lightens the color of the teeth.

Is it okay to bleach my teeth at home?

It is safe to whiten your teeth at home unless the dental tray and gel are provided by your dentist and purchased from the internet. The tray must be custom made by the dentist by digital scanning or by shaping the teeth. These will be sent to the specific dental laboratory that creates them. When people buy these trays from the internet, they often lead to disasters such as depression and the purchase of illegal bleach that has caused permanent damage to their teeth and gums.

My recommendation is a combination of in-house bleaching of dental chairs and professional tray bleaching at home, which is the gold standard. In-house dental bleaching is not sufficient as a stand-alone treatment as it only bleaches the outer enamel. Home kits put bleach deeper into your teeth for longer lasting and better bleaching.

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Dr. Christina Wiltinsky

Do dentists have the specific qualifications needed to make trays?

To make trays, they must be fully dental qualified. Hygienists and dental therapists can also whiten teeth with additional training.

How many reservations do I need?

The first appointment consists of a medical examination and a laboratory test. If your mouth and teeth are healthy and tooth whitening is acceptable, proceed with a digital scan of your teeth to create a custom whitening tray. These are designed to fit your teeth exactly.

Note: Some other dentists use different methods to make a tooth impression. Use putty impressions instead of digital scans to mold teeth. The disadvantage of this is that the putty is more likely to contain air bubbles and drag, which reduces the accuracy of digital generation.

Make sure your teeth are cleaned with your dental hygienist on your second appointment.

In the third booking, we will install the whitening tray and explain exactly how to use it. Then return to your fourth appointment to confirm 2-3 weeks after bleaching your home.

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Before and after Dr. Christina

Which whitening gel is best for dentists to use? Is there anything I should avoid?

We recommend using Philips Zoom or Whitewash. Always avoid brands that are not FDA approved or that can be purchased from the internet / Instagram that are not offered by dental professionals. These can be damaging or not working at all.

While over-the-counter products are cheap, some products can contain acid rinses, which can damage your teeth and thin your enamel, which is extremely harmful. Patients may have purchased the kit over the counter, bleached their teeth, and darkened. They continued to use the treatment too much, but the acid rinse actually abraded the enamel and the darker shades were exposed dentin. Therefore, you need to be very careful!

Also, it is not recommended to bleach your teeth if you smoke. It is advisable to stop smoking for at least 3 weeks before starting the bleaching procedure, as smoking darkens the teeth and reduces their effectiveness.

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Whitewash Professional Tooth Whitening Set

What should I expect to pay? Are there any numbers that you think are too low?

Good tooth whitening treatment starts around £ 250

How much do I need to wear at home? Does this depend on the product you are using?

How long you wear it depends on the amount of lightning you want and the original tooth shade. If your teeth are very dark or very yellow / gray / tetracycline dirty, it will take some time to bleach your teeth. If insensitive, the tray can be worn for at least 1-2 hours. You can also put the tray in your mouth and sleep. Before going to bed with the tray, it is very important to remove all excess material around the gums and palate. The darker your teeth, the longer it takes for them to lighten. Tetracycline-stained teeth can take up to 6 months or up to 1 year to bleach. Some teeth may turn white after a month. If you cannot wear the tray for one day due to the schedule, there is no problem. Bleach your teeth according to your schedule. After dinner, some people put the tray in and wear it for the first hour while watching TV, and if there is no problem, refill the tray and sleep in their mouth.

What if I have sensitivity?

Dental hypersensitivity is the most common side effect of home bleaching. In fact, many patients suffer from sensitive teeth anyway. This usually occurs around the neck of a tooth with a retracted gum. If you are experiencing hypersensitivity, you should stop bleaching your teeth for a few days. It can be resumed in about 2 to 3 days. If your teeth become super sensitive, you can put insensitive toothpaste in the bleach tray for 1 hour a day. It usually stops sensitivity. Alternatively, rub insensitive toothpaste with your fingers on the gum edges 5 times a day for several days.If you are worried, please contact your dentist

How long should the result last?

This depends on the individual and how well the first course turned white. For best results, it is recommended to wear the whitening tray daily or at night for at least 2-3 weeks (depending on the darkness of the first teeth). This ensures that the bleach reaches all areas and depths of the tooth. If you spend time bleaching the inside of your teeth, this will last longer.

It also depends on a person’s diet and smoking habits. To maintain results, it is advisable to reduce coffee / tea / red wine intake and visit a hygienist on a regular basis. Also, put it on the care of a good home dental hygienist. For example, use an electric toothbrush instead of manual.

To maintain your white smile, you can also use the White Wash Professional Teeth Whitening Strips course every 6-12 months, or 1-2 strips every month.

Some patients receive replacement therapy after 3-4 years. Replenishment intervals vary from patient to patient.

What if my teeth aren’t evenly bleached?

If there are white spots on the teeth before bleaching, these spots will appear whiter for the first few days. The contrast between the stain and the rest of the tooth is reduced, eventually making the stain less noticeable. Sometimes the dentist can take a special procedure called microablation to get rid of the white spots permanently. If you are worried about this, ask your dentist for instructions.

During the bleaching treatment, you may notice new white spots on your teeth. These white spots were already present on the teeth before bleaching. The lighter the teeth, the easier they are to see. please do not worry. These spots disappear as the entire tooth becomes lighter. You may notice these white spots immediately after a bleaching session, or in the morning if you are wearing the tray all night. Some teeth may appear striped in bright / white areas. Banding that became visible was previously present, but may not have been noticeable with dark teeth. As the teeth become lighter, the bright areas of the teeth become brighter first, then the dark striped areas. After a week or so, these will no longer be noticeable.

Can the tray be reused by another dentist / product?

Yes! The trays are custom made and tailored to your teeth and can be used repeatedly as long as they are well maintained and well maintained.

How do my teeth feel?

Usually, due to the amount of oxygen inside the teeth, the teeth feel very clean after the bleaching procedure. Bleach also has an indirect effect on the gums in helping them heal and improve their health. This is the method in which this technique was invented when it was first used to heal gum inflammation during orthodontic treatment.

Home Whitening Instructions for Patients

Before bedtime:

  1. Take 2 tablets of ibuprofen just before sleep (only if you are not allergic or if ibuprofen is inadequate; consult your GP if you are unsure).If you have a habit of reading or watching TV before going to bed, don’t start the tray until you’re ready to go to bed
  2. Brush your teeth thoroughly with regular toothpaste for 2 minutes.
  3. Prepare a tray with a small amount of whitening gel in each reservoir.
  4. Place the tray in your mouth and make sure it is firmly seated.
  5. Remove excess bleach with a cotton wool roll or tissue.
  6. Do not swallow extras.
  7. If necessary, tap the front and back teeth with a tissue to dry.

About awakening:

  1. Remove the tray and rinse your mouth with water.
  2. Brush with regular toothpaste.
  3. Clean the tray with cold water.
  4. During the day, it will be broadcast in an open box.
  5. Make sure the tray is not distorted. Please keep it carefully.

White & Co is based around London and plans to open a new clinic at the Battersea Power Station in November 2020.


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