Nurse smoke after North Dakota forces COVID-infected healthcare workers to continue working
At a hospital in North Dakota, nurses are forced to test patients for the deadly coronavirus with a surgical mask alone. And across the state, dozens of nurses work several night shifts in a row as North Dakota tackles the rapid proliferation of coronaviruses and hospitals face dangerous bed shortages.
State officials announced on Monday A seemingly counterproductive band-aid To combat the tsunami of incidents that overwhelmed most rural hospital systems: COVID-19-positive nurses and other healthcare professionals can come to work.
Now the nurse is angry like hell.
“Nurses are very trusted in our community. How do the public take this pandemic seriously if they say they can get back to work after getting a positive test? Do you expect it? “Tessa Johnson, president of the North Dakota Nurses Association Johnson, told The Daily Beast.
“I’ve heard from many that they’re at the limit. I think this will lead to the loss of nurses. It has had a different impact on everyone,” she added.
But while some North Dakota nurses told The Daily Beast that they were “fearing” the virus, they were “what the nurses were doing” and therefore an increasingly dangerous job. Claims to appear in.
“Nurses don’t feel safe. They don’t feel they have enough PPE, everyone is worried about staff shortages and feels supported by state leaders. “No,” said Johnson, who is also the secretary general of a senior nursing facility. “But they will continue to go to work and be at risk, because that’s what nurses do, even if they’re hanging on a string.”
As of Monday, North Dakota healthcare professionals with asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can continue to work in COVID-19 units in hospitals and nursing homes. This is one of several steps taken by hospitals and authorities as part of a “surge program” to reduce viruses that have moved the entire state to the “high risk” category.
“This applies only to asymptomatic COVID-positive healthcare professionals and is only allowed to use the COVID unit around patients who are already infected with the virus,” said North Dakota Governor Doug Bergham. Said on Monday.
Burgum argued that the move was in line with the CDC guidelines that would allow asymptomatic healthcare professionals to work during the next period. Serious staff shortage..
These changes also occur as an elected leader in North Dakota.According to one survey, North Dakota The lowest percentage of residents in Japan using face covers— Repeatedly refuses to enact Maskmandate or other strong COVID-19 mitigation plans.
A nurse in North Dakota, who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of expert retaliation, said the state’s unprecedented measures to allow people with the virus to treat patients were “at best short-sighted.” And in the worst case, it’s completely harmful. “
“To fight the virus, state authorities need to make decisive and hard-line decisions, or the hospital system will be completely disrupted,” said the nurse, a colleague and friend infected with the virus. Added that there are some. “Educating healthcare professionals with this illness to treat patients with the same illness does nothing, it only exacerbates the problem.”
Another nurse at Bismarck told The Daily Beast that she didn’t know how long she would endanger herself and her family because of the appearance of “I can’t get her back anymore.”
Johnson pointed out that COVID-positive nurses are not isolated from virus patients and can spread the deadly virus to colleagues in “bathrooms and dining rooms, break rooms and elevators.”
Not only is it “unrealistic” to include the “highly contagious” virus in certain hospital buildings, but new measures increase the stress on nurses and prevent them from resting. It only makes it worse, “she said. The area of hospitals “they should feel safe”.
North Dakota and South Dakota currently have the worst per capita mortality rates in the country as epicenters of the Midwestern coronavirus outbreak.And while the coronavirus soars at an uncontrollable rate Dozens of states across the countryThe daily average of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in North Dakota tops the state. ProPublica..
North Dakota Health Department Thursday report There were 1,801 new cases in the state, for a total of 59,173, with a positive rate of about 18.7%.Last week the state 171 coronaviruses per 100,000 According to the CDC, the per capita rate is the highest in the country.
Officials also said Thursday that 11 people died from the virus and the state’s death toll reached 697. The dead include David Andahl, a Republican legislative candidate in North Dakota who died in October.But he still got his seat..
Health experts are concerned about the trajectory of 762,062 American states, especially as neighboring states are experiencing similar surges.
Dr. Ameshua Darja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security, who specializes in infectious diseases, believes that the North Dakota virus trajectory is officially in “crisis.”
“We don’t have a lot of medical resources in this state, which means we have a low threshold to be overwhelmed if something goes wrong,” Adalja told The Daily Beast. It’s a lesson about what happens when you’re not there. ” Plan your case. “
On Wednesday, the Department of Health revealed that some residents tested positive for COVID-19 multiple times, and authorities investigated to determine if those cases were actually reinfections. Said that it started.
“Our cases are people who are positive twice, develop symptoms a second time, and most often have a 90-day or longer interval between positive results,” said a Health Department spokesman. forum..
However, Adalja argues that North Dakota’s decision to allow medical staff to continue working on “acute infections” is a “sign of the times” rather than a dangerous decision that could lead to reinfection. doing.
“Reinfection is extremely rare. These healthcare professionals are acute cases of patients who are already infected,” said Adalja. “That said, in North Dakota it will get worse before it gets better.”
Burgum has moved all counties in the state to “high risk” levels. This is shown in orange. This level is one step below shutdown measures that have never been used in the state, limiting the capacity of all bars and event venues to 25%. On Monday, Burgum outlined several other initiatives to stem the crisis, including hiring EMTs and paramedics to run the test site.
“Our hospital is currently under great pressure,” added Bergham. “We can see the future a couple of weeks ahead and know that there are strict constraints.”
Sanford Health, one of the state’s largest healthcare systems, also announced Thursday that it would send hospital patients to a nursing home near Fargo to recover to free up hospital space. by forum, Nursing Home has opened a building that provides 24 additional beds in a hospital system that is already “very large”.
The North Dakota Nurses Association has exploded state leadership to enable COVID-positive healthcare professionals to continue working. In a statement Wednesday night, they said it should be the health care worker’s choice to continue working while being COVID positive, not the employer.
“If a nurse believes that it is not enough to provide safe patient care and chooses not to work in this situation, the employer should not retaliate against the nurse for making this decision. “The statement read, adding that the state should press COVID. 19 mitigation guidelines, such as wearing masks and mandatory social distance.
According to Johnson, nurses are already seeing patients every day.
“They are probably untested positive healthcare professionals,” Johnson said. “Everyone is already at risk for this virus. Unless dramatic changes occur, we are preparing for a very dark week to eight weeks.”
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