Maine hospitals have begun expanding COVID-19 units, delaying procedures due to a surge in viral patients
Some Maine hospitals have begun to postpone some elective surgery and expand COVID-19 units to accommodate the increasing volume due to a large new wave of coronavirus patients this fall. I am.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine, the number of Maine residents hospitalized for the virus reached 171 on Tuesday, with 48 receiving critical care and 19 connected to ventilators. did. That’s a four-fold increase from just a month ago, more than double the 60 hospitalizations at the peak of last spring’s surge.
Today, the worst-damaged hospital along Interstate 95 is implementing its first emergency plan created last spring and is being updated from summer to early fall in anticipation of a new surge.
Starting this week, the state’s largest hospital, the Maine Medical Center in Portland, has begun postponing selective services to release beds in the event of a surge, according to John Porter, a spokeswoman for the parent group Maine Health.
Last spring, hospitals across the country postponed most of their selective services to free up resources to deal with pandemics, but this time Portland Hospital is reschedule them on a case-by-case basis, Porter said. Told. He has so far postponed “a small percentage” of the procedure, and the hospital has provided inpatients with “time-sensitive” and “emergency” surgery, as well as all “same-day” surgery. Said that.
Maine Medical Center, the state’s largest hospital, was hit hardest of all Maine hospitals last week, with an average of 25 coronavirus patients per day between November 27 and December 3. I was hospitalized. Bidford was third in the state. Affiliate Southern Maine Health Care had an average of 20 inpatients per day.
Bangor’s Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical had the second highest number of coronavirus cases in the state during the same week, averaging 24 per day, but has declined since peaking at 29 on November 28. I will. It was 21 as of Tuesday.
Among other facilities that were hit hard last week were Augusta’s Maine General Medical Center and Lewiston’s Central Maine Medical Center, with an average of 17 and 12 people per day, respectively, according to numbers provided by each institution. It was a human patient.
EMMC’s parent group, Northern Light Health, does not yet need to delay selective services in 10 hospitals to address the surge in coronavirus infections. According to Dr. James Jarvis, who leads the organization’s pandemic response.
However, according to Jarvis, if the number of cases surges the day before Thanksgiving, another backup is temporarily made by temporarily expanding the isolated area of the hospital reserved for the virus-infected patients. It was necessary to take measures. Since then, the number of cases has decreased last week, allowing the area to be resized to a smaller size.
In general, tissues closely monitor the number of COVID-19 patients being treated and make additional plans if cases continue to proliferate, such as adding beds, moving providers, or delaying selective treatment. .. The state also plans to open auxiliary hospitals in Portland and Bangor as needed.
“Now we can manage critical care patients and have successful surgery,” said Jarvis.
Healthcare organizations are reluctant to delay selective services this fall because they make up the majority of their revenue and have medical risks associated with delays in some services.Northern Wright lost more than $ 100 million in patient income After delaying last spring..
One of Jarvis’s greatest concerns is that after being exposed to an infection, so many workers may need to quit their jobs because they are ill or quarantined at one time. Nationwide supply of travel nurses Doctors are already nervous due to the surge in other states.
Given its danger, Jarvis, in order to reduce the total number of infections and protect health care workers, people wear face masks, keep social distances, and people outside the household during this new surge. I repeated the public health advice to avoid gathering.
Northern Lights before Thanksgiving Announced by one of the workers He died after being infected with the coronavirus in the community.
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