Ferrets, cats and civets that are second most susceptible to coronavirus after humans
According to an analysis of 10 different species performed by researchers at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), humans, followed by ferrets, and to a lesser extent cats, civets, and dogs are affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection. It is the most susceptible animal. Based in Barcelona.
Survey results published in PLOS Computational Biology, Ducks, rats, mice, pigs and chickens were found to be less or less susceptible to infections than humans.
“I know which one animal Being susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 prevents the accumulation of animal reservoirs where the coronavirus may reappear at a later date, “said ICREA’s professor of research, director of CRG, and lead researcher. The author, Luis Serrano, said. The findings provide clues as to why mink, which is closely associated with ferrets, is infected with the disease.Mink with their full living conditions Human Worker. “
“It can be transmitted by cats, but it does not coexist with humans under the same conditions as other animals, which may explain why there are no known cases of people infected with pets. There is sex, “Dr. Serrano adds.
Ten seed It was studied in this treatise. Five species, humans, cats, ferrets, civets, and dogs, have recorded cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. There are no reports of infection in the other 5 species (mouse, rat, pig, chicken, duck).
Researchers used computer modeling to test how coronavirus invades cells in a variety of animals using spike proteins that project from the surface of the virus. The main entry point on the cell surface is the ACE2 receptor, which binds to spikes. protein Through the lock and key mechanism. ACE2 has many variations within human populations and across different species.
Human ACE2 receptor variants, followed by ferrets, cats, dogs, and jacoons, have the highest binding affinity for viral peplomers, while mice, rats, chickens, and ducks have lower bond energies. ..
However, binding affinity alone is not sufficient to measure the susceptibility of cells to infection. Researchers have also tested various types of “codon adaptation indices.” This is how efficient it is to control the machine of cells invaded by the coronavirus. The more efficient the process, the better the coronavirus can produce the proteins needed for replication.
Humans, chickens and ducks have the highest codon adaptation index, while other species have worse adaptations.
Considering both the binding affinity and the codon adaptation index, researchers conclude that ferrets, cats, jade cats, and dogs are susceptible to coronavirus infection.
They also found that different human variants of ACE2 showed differences in stability and binding to spike proteins. This is the sensitivity that underlies why some people suffer from severe COVID-19 symptoms.
“We have identified mutations in the S protein that dramatically reduce the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to enter cells and protect the host from COVID-19 capture,” said a CRG researcher. “We are now” diverting “the virus’s attention to prevent it from entering cells by manipulating miniproteins from human ACE2 protein, infection.. When new mutations occur in virus-peplomer proteins, new mutations can be designed to block them. “
Understanding the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 across a wide variety of species informs public health measures, reduces human contact with other susceptible animals, and avoids potential prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic. can do.
Javier Delgado Blanco et al, In silico mutagenesis of human ACE2 by S protein and translation efficiency, explains SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in different species. PLOS Computational Biology (2020). DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pcbi.1008450
Provided by Genome Regulation Center
Quote: Corona after humans (December 10, 2020) get December 10, 2020 from Ferrets, cats and civets most susceptible to viral infections
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