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Why can’t I make a reservation at OC?And more questions about COVID-19 vaccination – Orange County Register

Why can’t I make a reservation at OC?And more questions about COVID-19 vaccination – Orange County Register


This week, the news that anyone over the age of 65 in Orange County could be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine encountered a crazy rush of people hoping to be shot, but for many of them, it’s a promise. Had a hard time or can also get the specified app and website to work.

So what should people know about what is going on to deal with the situation and whether they are vaccinated but not yet vaccinated?

Below are some of the questions and concerns readers of Orange County Register have and the latest answers we can get. (In some cases, the plan was still in flux or information was not available.)

Q: OC Health Care Agency Otena A website or mobile app for registering and making reservations for vaccination. Why didn’t it work?

A: The big problem is the limited number of reservations and the very high demand. Some readers reported that it went down when they tried the Othena website, while others said the booking slots were not open. County officials say they are addressing some technical issues with the site.

So far, only one large public vaccination site has been launched that can handle about 3,000 to 3,200 people per day. Disneyland opened on Wednesday. The county is state-dependent in supplying vaccine doses, so the appointment is scheduled within three days, and authorities do not have to cancel someone’s appointment because the shot was not available, the county CEO said. , Frank Kim said.

It’s a frustrating math problem. County health officials said Wednesday that they had already received about 42,000 doses and expected another 35,000 shipments next week. This is 77,000 vaccinations, of which about 800,000 are currently considered eligible for vaccination at OC, including about 200,000 healthcare professionals and other top priorities. It includes civil servants and about 600,000 people in groups over the age of 65. Nichelson said.

Although more doses (a total of about 170,000 times) were sent to Orange County, Kim said most of the vaccine was sent to hospitals and large medical networks to vaccinate workers. , Said he has discretion in how shots are distributed.

“The challenge is that demand is currently outpacing capacity and it will improve,” Kim said. “The difficulty is that we are looking for predictability (in vaccine supply) so we can design longer-term reservation slots.”

Q: How do I know if I am eligible for vaccination? Can it be displayed on the Disneyland site?

A: County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau, after consulting with the Orange County Vaccine Task Force, is now the majority of people over the age of 65, regardless of whether they are in other health conditions. Therefore, I recently decided to release the vaccination. OC residents of a hospital with COVID-19, and most people who receive intensive care and need a ventilator.

most Health care workers – Includes emergency care, home care assistants, emergency care and dental office staff – and some law enforcement employees working in higher risk environments are now also vaccinated.

But county officials say don’t come without a promise. They are unable to accommodate carry-on, which slows down the process for everyone.

Q. What if I still need to make a reservation?

A: You may need some sustainability. County health officials advise people to call their doctor or health care provider first, but many readers say so and the providers are currently unable to vaccinate or are informed. I was told not.

about Otena (, Kim said the site has been updated and bugs have been fixed regularly, so some people can’t get the site to work. “We advise people to check all day-there is no specific time,” he said.

The county is also working on adding a confirmation feature that allows users to confirm that registration was successful. If you belong to a category that is not yet eligible for vaccination, you will be notified when it is your turn to group.

As of Thursday afternoon, Kim said all available appointments were full, but county officials are working to add capacity and in the coming weeks larger capacity like Disneyland. I’m hoping to open the site.

“We don’t have enough vaccines for everyone who wants it today, but the availability of vaccines is increasing weekly as well as our ability, so we seek their patience. “I will.” He said.

The county does not show how people who do not have or cannot use computers or smartphones can make reservations, but health organization officials say “within the next few days” more information about it. I promised.

Q: What do I expect when making a reservation? How long does it take?

A: First, please bring your driver’s license or other identification card to check your age. Healthcare professionals need an employee badge, a letter from their employer, or anything else to prove their profession.

Plan to wait at least a little. You must check in and be screened before taking a shot. On the first day at the Disneyland site, it took some people to complete the process, but Kim said the process had already speeded up a bit by the second day. If the forecast is due to hot weather, the authorities will suggest waiting in the car until you approach your scheduled time.

After being vaccinated, everyone will be asked to wait about 15 minutes so that on-site staff can ensure that the shots are not adversely affected. If everything is going well, it is expected to take 30-40 minutes from start to finish.

According to county officials, Otena is also designed to remind users who received the first injection during the second dose (both vaccines approved for use in the United States are double doses) – It should be about 3 weeks later.

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