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Matt Hancock praises Batchwood Hallcovid Vaccination Center

Matt Hancock praises Batchwood Hallcovid Vaccination Center


The Minister of Health personally thanked everyone involved in the St Albans vaccination program. He states that this program is one of the “best performances” in the country.

MP Daisy Cooper of St Albans shared a letter from Matt Hancock on Facebook on Saturday. It was full of praise for the Batchwood Hall Vaccination Center.

In the letter, Hancock welcomed the “community spirit” that helped guide the rest of the city and country from the Covid pandemic.

Hancock wrote to Cooper, stating: “I’m writing to update on the great efforts of the local Covid vaccination team.

“Club Batch Wood, a collection of PCNs (Primary Care Networks) in St Albans, has been vaccinated in the system since the 1980s and is one of the best performing Covid vaccination teams in the country. I will inform you that it is one. ”

Thousands of people have passed through the doors of Batchwood Hall, where nightclubs have turned into vaccination centers, and recently a drive-through service has been set up in the light of sub-zero temperatures.

The Batchwood Center, run by several general practitioners from across the St. Albans district, was one of Hertfordshire’s first major sites to open after Stevenage’s Robertson House.

Hancock continues in the letter: “The United Kingdom is leading a global counterattack against the virus, the first country in the world to approve a clinically tried vaccine, and now deploys the vaccine on the ground faster than most other countries in the world. doing.

“And this is due to the tireless efforts of everyone involved, especially nurses, practitioners, pharmacies, volunteers, and others in the field of our community.

“It’s unbelievable to see the spirit of this community as people get together to get us out of the pandemic collectively.

“I would like to thank and congratulate all the people in your area for the role they play in this country’s efforts and hope that you will join me.”

St Albans & Harpenden Review:

Credit: PA

A total of 14,556,827 million people are currently receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for the first time in the UK, according to government statistics released on February 13.

That’s 21.8% of the UK’s total population and 27.6% of people over the age of 18.

The figures released on February 11 show that more than 250,000 people in Hertfordshire and the western Essex top priority group received their first dose of the vaccine.

This includes 168,317 (88.6 percent) over 70 and 100,095 under 70. This includes healthcare professionals and clinically very vulnerable patients.

People over 70, clinically very vulnerable, and front-line health and social care staff who have not yet received the first Covid vaccination should now contact the NHS to arrange a jab. Is prompted by.

If you belong to a priority group, the easiest way to arrange vaccinations is to use the online national booking service:

If you can’t book online, you can call 119 for free 24/7 from 7am to 11pm.

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