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Tocilizumab, rheumatoid arthritis drug, found to reduce deaths from severe COVID-19

Tocilizumab, rheumatoid arthritis drug, found to reduce deaths from severe COVID-19


India, one of the most ethnically diverse countries, conducted the first randomized trial of the use of the rheumatoid arthritis drug tocilizumab to reduce the risk of death in severe COVID-19 cases.

Led by researchers from University of Bristol The Medanta Institute of Education explained that the data collected from clinical trials would add to existing evidence supporting the use of the anti-inflammatory drug tocilizumab in critically ill patients.

Science behind tocilizumab for severe COVID-19 cases

Studies published in the journal Lancet Respiratory Medicine “Tocilizumab and Standard Treatment and Standard Treatment in Indian Patients with Moderate to Severe COVID-19-Related Cytokine Release Syndrome (COVINTOC): Open-label, Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled, Phase 3 Trial” -Inflammatory drugs may prevent the progression and death of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients.

A study conducted in 12 public and private hospitals in India enrolled 180 patients aged 18 years and older who were admitted for moderate to severe COVID-19. The study found that 89 patients received standard care. 91 patients received tocilizumab and standard treatment.

Twenty-eight days later, researchers recorded clinical improvement markers to assess disease progression from moderate to severe or severe to mortality. The researchers recorded adverse side effects, serious adverse events, patients who experienced post-treatment infections, and whether they needed renal replacement therapy.

A critical analysis of the data shows that a subset of patients suffering from serious illness who received tocilizumab may have a reduced risk of progression to death if treated with rheumatoid arthritis and standard treatment. Was shown.

On the other hand, clinical parameters and biomarkers reliably identify patients, and the optimal timing of ongoing treatment for COVID-19 remains unclear.

Scientist with a microscope

(Photo: Photo by RF ._ .studio of Pexels)

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Efficacy and efficacy of tocilizumab

The authors of this study do not support the routine use of the anti-inflammatory drug tocilizumab in adult COVID-19 patients, but increase evidence that the drug may help some critically ill patients. I conclude that.

AV Ramanan ProfessorThe study suggests that tocilizumab may be effective in some patients with severe COVID-19, but further research is needed, the lead author of the University of Bristol trial said. I will.But it adds to the existing evidence from REMAP-CAP And recovery A study demonstrating the significant effect of tocilizumab on reducing mortality in COVID-19 patients requiring oxygen and mechanical ventilation.

Ramanan adds that, next to the steroid dexamethasone, tocilizumab is the most important advance in COVID treatment to reduce mortality.

Dr. Arvinder Soin, Principal Co-author and Chairman of the Medanta Liver Transplantation Institute in Gurgaon, India, explained that although there was no difference in mortality and ventilation needs in both groups, parties in the moderate to severe categories were considered. I am. A subgroup analysis of two groups of severe COVID-19 patients showed lower mortality at day 28.

The adverse events experienced by the reported patients were not different between the standard treatment group and the anti-inflammatory drug tocilizumab.

Related article: CDC announces a fully vaccinated individual who can safely meet others indoors without a mask

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