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Coronavirus Cases in Ohio, Neighboring States May Be Retreating

Coronavirus Cases in Ohio, Neighboring States May Be Retreating


Columbus, Ohio — The· Next article Originally published in the Ohio Capital Journal, it was published on under a content sharing agreement.

After a disastrous January, Ohio’s coronavirus cases have steadily declined. After that, they have leveled off in the last few weeks. Even if more Ohio people are now vaccinated, the number of cases may have receded.

Ohio can be part of a disturbing national trend.

Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource CenterAmerica will resume. But did we flatten the curve?These maps show trends in each state and color-code them. Red for states with increasing case numbers and blue for states with decreasing numbers. How deeply shaded they are indicates how fast the case is falling or falling into a state.

The red in the Ohio graph is so bright that it rarely blushes. To make matters worse, all but one adjacent state is a deeper shade. Kentucky is a very light shade of blue.


Ohio Health Department.

This trend is widespread throughout the country. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last week that the seven-day average of coronavirus cases nationwide increased by 7% compared to a week ago.

So on Monday, CDC director Rochelle Walensky said he felt a sense of “imminent ruin.”

“Now is one of the times when I have to share the truth and I have to expect and trust you to listen,” Warensky said. Charlotte Observer.. “Now I’m scared.”

These comments urged President Joe Biden to call on the governor of the state, who has terminated Mask’s duties, to revive them.

“People are giving up precautions, which is very bad,” Biden said. New York Times.. “We are giving up on the hard-earned profits.”

The recent increase in the number of cases is probably caused by several factors.

States like Texas The obligation of masks and restrictions on indoor capacity have been lifted. Not only does this result in the loss of tools to limit the spread of the virus, but it can also send a message that the pandemic is over and no precautions are needed.

Ohio masks and other orders remain the same. Also, Governor Mike DeWine rarely misses an opportunity to urge the public to take precautions against the virus.

However, as the weather warms and vaccines become more and more available, people may be less alert. For example, on Saturday, about half of customers were unmasked at a crowded Columbus convenience store near the softball field in Lou Balliner Park.

Also, some new variants of the virus are spreading more rapidly than their predecessors. Experts say that as previous versions of the virus swarm, spreading and even mutating into more dangerous variants can accelerate.

The CDC on Sunday said the number of cases of “British variants” (B.1.1.7) surged 115% in Ohio a week ago. Cincinnati Choir report.

Also, what could prevent Ohio from fighting to quell the disease is that the state will soon be vaccinated well, but there are millions of unvaccinated Ohio citizens.

Such “vaccine resistance” stems from several causes.

While some members of the minority group may be distrustful of the health care system after a history of abuse and neglect, racial inequality in health care access still hampers health care.Some people bought to The myth that vaccines cause autism..Yet others may not be able to Find convenient..

There is also a political side.

A year after former President Donald Trump made false statements about the coronavirus NPR-PBS-Marist Voting Almost half of Republican men said they were not willing to be vaccinated, according to what was done earlier this month.

Another former president Gathered earlier this month To boost the vaccine effort, Trump skipped the event. Trump and his wife, Melania, Quietly vaccinated Before they left the White House in January.

It seems that many Ohio people are skipping shots for some reason.

A cohort of older Ohio people who have been vaccinated for more than a month seems to show this trend. They get at least the first dose and approach about 70%, after which the increase progresses slowly.

The most vaccinated group of Ohio by age is currently 70-74, of which 70-74 72% have at least the first dose..


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