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Children suffering from inflammatory disease have had mild Covid, showing a new study

Children suffering from inflammatory disease have had mild Covid, showing a new study


Many children with severe inflammatory disease showed no symptoms of Covid-19 disease, only mild symptoms, according to a new study in the United States.

According to the results of the largest US study of cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) in children, published in JAM Pediatrics on Tuesday, it could attack adolescents weeks after being infected with Covid-19. ..

Many children and teens who develop a mysterious inflammatory syndrome that can appear weeks after being infected with the coronavirus have never had classic Covid-19 symptoms at the time of infection. The study states.

According to the New York Times, the study, led by researchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provided information on whether the first Covid-19 illness caused illness, 75% of more than 1,000 cases. However, the patient did not experience such symptoms.

However, after 2-5 weeks, they become ill enough to be hospitalized in a condition called Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C), which can affect multiple organs, especially the heart. I did.

According to this study, “most MIS-C diseases are thought to be due to asymptomatic or mild Covid-19,” which occurs when the patient’s body produces the highest levels of antibodies to the virus. The hyperinflammatory reaction that appears to be followed.

However, experts have been unable to submit specific findings as to why such a high rate of infantile inflammatory syndrome is behind.

“This is because Covid is so prevalent in society that children often suffer from asymptomatic disease as the first Covid infection, so primary care pediatricians need to be highly suspicious of this. Means “an infectious disease expert at the Boston Children’s Hospital who was not involved in the study.

The researchers evaluated 1,733 of the 2,090 cases of syndrome in people under the age of 20 reported to the CDC as of January.

Findings show that the syndrome is rare, but it can be serious. The CDC data included only hospitalized patients. Over 90% of these adolescents experienced symptoms associated with at least four organ systems, and 58% needed treatment in the intensive care unit.

Many have experienced serious heart problems. More than half developed hypotension, 37% developed cardiogenic shock, and 31% experienced cardiac dysfunction, including the inability of the heart to pump properly.

The study further stated that a significantly higher proportion of patients who had no symptoms of Covid-19 experienced these heart problems compared to those who had the first coronavirus symptoms.

According to the New York Times, the majority of initially asymptomatic patients also arrived in the intensive care unit.

Dr. Roberta Debiasi, Head of Infectious Diseases at Washington, D.C., Children’s National Hospital, said: DC not involved in the study.

This study provided the most detailed demographic and geographic images of the syndrome to date.

Approximately 34% of patients were black and 37% were Hispanic, reflecting how the coronavirus affected members of these communities disproportionately.

As the pandemic progressed, the authors wrote that the proportion of white patients increased, accounting for 20 percent of all cases. Asian heritage people accounted for just over 1 percent of patients.

Overall, nearly 58% of patients were male, but the proportion was not the same at all ages. The number of boys and girls in the youngest group (newborns to 4 years old) is about the same, from 18 years old until the male-female ratio of females exceeds 2: 1 and in the older group the male-female ratio Has increased. to-20 group.

The majority of patients (almost 86%) were under the age of 15. The study found that patients under the age of 5 had the lowest risk of serious heart complications and were less likely to require intensive care. Patients over the age of 10 are significantly more likely to develop problems such as shock, hypotension, and myocarditis (myocarditis).

“I think this is similar to what we saw in Covid. Older children seem to have a more serious illness,” said Dr. DeBiasi. “And that’s because it’s the inflammatory aspect that really makes people sick from Covid. Therefore, for some reason, these older children are MIS-C, whether they are primary Covid or not. If you try, you will get more inflammation. “

Children under the age of 14 were more likely to develop a rash and red eyes, and children over the age of 14 were more likely to develop chest pain, shortness of breath, and cough. Abdominal pain and vomiting afflicted about two-thirds of all patients.

Twenty-four deaths were recorded and spread to all age groups. There was no information in the study of whether the patient had an underlying condition, but doctors and researchers said that young people with MIS-C were often healthy before and became more serious. The first Covid infection illness that reported to be much more likely to be healthier than a few young people.

Equally unclear is the first wave of MIS-C from March 1st to July 1st, 2020, behind the findings of a study that young people are more susceptible to some of the most serious heart complications. The reason is. Dr. Debiasi said it was inconsistent with her hospital experience that “children got sick in the second wave.”

The study recorded two waves of MIS-C cases after a surge in the total number of cases of coronavirus for more than about a month. “The latest third peak of the Covid-19 pandemic probably leads to another MIS-C peak involving urban and rural communities,” the author writes.

“At this point, we don’t know anything about how mutations necessarily affect children,” said Dr. Blumental.

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