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Canada’s COVID-19 latest figures

Canada’s COVID-19 latest figures


On Saturday, April 17, 2021, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will be given with the M3N zip code at the Pop-up Vaccine Clinic in the Jane and Finch district of Toronto.Canada Place / Cole Burston

On Saturday, April 17, 2021, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will be given with the M3N zip code at the Pop-up Vaccine Clinic in the Jane and Finch district of Toronto.Canada Place / Cole Burston

The latest number of COVID-19 cases confirmed in Canada as of 7:30 pm EST on Tuesday, April 20, 2021.

There are 1,139,043 confirmed cases in Canada.

_Canada: 1,139,043 confirmed cases (87,872 activities, 1,027,458 resolved, 23,713 deaths) * Total number of cases includes 13 confirmed cases of repatriated travelers I am.

There were 7,276 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 231.21 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 60,487 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 8,641.

Forty-six new deaths were reported on Tuesday. A total of 321 new deaths have been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 46. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.12 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 62.39 per 100,000.

30,168,562 tests have been completed.

_ Newfoundland and Labrador: 1,048 confirmed cases (31 activities, 1,011 resolutions, 6 deaths).

There were two new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 5.94 per 100,000. A total of 17 new cases have occurred in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average for the new case is 2.

No deaths have been reported in the last week. The overall mortality rate is 1.15 per 100,000.

235,541 tests have been completed.

_Prince Edward Island: 174 confirmed cases (13 activities, 161 resolutions, 0 deaths).

There was one new case on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 8.14 per 100,000. In the last 7 days, there have been 9 new cases. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 1.

No deaths have been reported in the last week. The overall mortality rate is zero per 100,000.

135,297 tests have been completed.

Nova Scotia: 1,831 confirmed cases (68 activities, 1,696 resolutions, 67 deaths).

There were 9 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 6.94 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 50 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for the new case is 7.

There were no newly reported deaths on Tuesday. One new death has been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is zero. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.01 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 6.84 per 100,000.

468,265 tests have been completed.

_ New Brunswick: 1,797 confirmed cases (140 activities, 1,624 resolutions, 33 deaths).

There were no new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 17.91 per 100,000. In the last 7 days, a total of 61 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 9.

No deaths have been reported in the last week. The overall mortality rate is 4.22 per 100,000.

285,774 tests have been completed.

_ Quebec: 339,180 confirmed cases (12,363 activities, 315,984 resolutions, 10,833 deaths).

There were 1,136 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 144.18 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 9,708 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 1,387.

Seventeen new deaths were reported on Tuesday. A total of 77 new deaths have been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 11. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.13 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 126.34 per 100,000.

7,878,652 tests have been completed.

_Ontario: 424,911 confirmed cases (42,941 activities, 374,213 resolutions, 7,757 deaths).

There were 3,469 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 291.44 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 30,232 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 4,319.

Twenty-two new deaths were reported on Tuesday. A total of 175 new deaths have been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 25. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.17 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 52.65 per 100,000.

13,424,896 tests have been completed.

_Manitoba: 36,470 confirmed cases (1,783 activities, 33,727 resolutions, 960 deaths).

There were 211 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 129.27 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 1,017 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 145.

A new death was reported on Tuesday. A total of 9 new deaths have been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 1. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.09 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 69.6 per 100,000.

Testing of 635,043 is complete.

_ Saskatchewan: 38,651 confirmed cases (2,640 activities, 35,546 resolutions, 465 deaths).

There were 249 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 223.98 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 1,759 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 251.

There were no newly reported deaths on Tuesday. A total of eight new deaths have been reported in the last seven days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 1. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.1 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 39.45 per 100,000.

729,935 tests have been completed.

_ Alberta: 173,531 confirmed cases (18,481 activities, 153,002 resolutions, 2,048 deaths).

There were 1,345 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 417.94 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 10,412 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 1,487.

Five new deaths were reported on Tuesday. A total of 27 new deaths have been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 4. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.09 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 46.32 per 100,000.

3,957,488 tests have been completed.

_British Columbia: 120,889 confirmed cases (9,377 activities, 109,973 resolutions, 1,539 deaths).

There were 849 new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 182.16 per 100,000. Over the past 7 days, a total of 7,187 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 1,027.

A new death was reported on Tuesday. A total of 24 new deaths have been reported in the last 7 days. The 7-day moving average of newly reported deaths is 3. The 7-day moving average of mortality is 0.07 per 100,000. The overall mortality rate is 29.9 per 100,000.

2,381,346 tests have been completed.

_ Yukon: 77 confirmed cases (2 activities, 74 resolutions, 1 death).

There were no new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 4.76 per 100,000. In the last 7 days, a total of 2 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for the new case is zero.

No deaths have been reported in the last week. The overall mortality rate is 2.38 per 100,000.

8,822 tests have been completed.

_ Northwest Territories: 43 confirmed cases (zero activity, 43 resolutions, zero deaths).

There were no new cases on Tuesday. In the last 7 days, there have been a total of zero new cases. The 7-day moving average for the new case is zero.

No deaths have been reported in the last week. The overall mortality rate is zero per 100,000.

17,005 tests have been completed.

_ Nunavut Territory: 428 confirmed cases (33 active, 391 resolved, 4 dead).

There were five new cases on Tuesday. The percentage of active cases is 83.86 per 100,000. Over the last 7 days, a total of 33 new cases have occurred. The 7-day moving average for new cases is 5.

No deaths have been reported in the last week. The overall mortality rate is 10.16 per 100,000.

10,422 tests have been completed.

This report was automatically generated by the Canadian Press Digital Data Desk and was first published on April 20, 2021.


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