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Here’s how simple oral hygiene can help reduce the severity of Covid-19.

Here’s how simple oral hygiene can help reduce the severity of Covid-19.


Simple oral hygiene measures may help reduce the risk of new coronavirus infections from the mouth to the lungs and prevent severe cases of COVID-19. Research.. A study published in the Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research found that certain ingredients in some cheap and widely available mouthwash products were very effective in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. It shows that there is new evidence that it is effective.

Researchers have pointed out that the coronavirus can enter people’s lungs through saliva and travel directly from the mouth into the bloodstream. This is especially true if the individual suffers from periodontal disease.

Evidence shows that blood vessels in the lungs, not the airways, are first affected by COVID-19 lung disease, high levels of virus in saliva, and periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of death.

Researchers suggest that plaque buildup and periodontitis further increase the likelihood that the SARS-CoV-2 virus will reach the lungs and cause more severe infections.

Experts say this finding could make effective oral care a potentially life-saving behavior-factors that maintain oral hygiene and contribute to periodontal disease such as plaque buildup. It is recommended that the general public take simple and effective daily measures to reduce plaque.

The initial observation of lung CT scans from patients suffering from COVID-19 lung disease has led to collaboration between medical and dental researchers on potential routes of entry into the bloodstream.

“This model may help us understand why some people develop COVID-19 lung disease and others don’t,” said study co-author Ian of the University of Birmingham, UK. Professor Chapple said.

“It can also change the way we manage the virus-searching for cheaper or free treatments for the mouth and ultimately saving lives,” Chapple said.

Researchers have found that periodontal disease leaks the gums and allows microorganisms to enter the blood.

Careful brushing and interdental brushing to reduce plaque buildup, certain mouthwashes, or simple measures such as salt water rinsing to reduce gum inflammation can help reduce saliva levels.

According to researchers, this also helps reduce the incidence of lung disease and reduce the risk of exacerbation of severe COVID-19.

The new model is based on the mouth, which provides a breeding ground for the virus to propagate, and when the oral immune defense is broken, the virus is more likely to enter the bloodstream.

When migrating from blood vessels in the gums, the researchers said the virus travels through veins in the neck and chest, reaches the heart, and then is delivered to the pulmonary arteries, the base of the lungs, and small blood vessels in the periphery.

“There is an urgent need for research to further investigate this new model, while daily oral hygiene and plaque management not only improve oral health and well-being, but also save lives in pandemic situations. It’s possible, “added Chapple.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.


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