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The Impact of Earthquake: IIT-Guwahati for Urban Seismic Micro Zoning | Guwahati News

The Impact of Earthquake: IIT-Guwahati for Urban Seismic Micro Zoning |  Guwahati News
The Impact of Earthquake: IIT-Guwahati for Urban Seismic Micro Zoning |  Guwahati News


An earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale jolted Suntbor

Guwahati: As aftershocks continue to be felt in Assam after last week’s earthquake, IIT-Guwahati said that seismic zoning of urban areas should be implemented and earthquake resistant design should be applied strictly in the state since it is located under Zone 5, the earthquake risk in the current situation is very high, The degree of damage from both primary and secondary effects with multiple risks simultaneously, would be very high. Seismic micro-segmentation provides detailed information on earthquake hazards on a much larger scale. Suntpur, whose headquarters in Tizpur first shook with a powerful 6.4-magnitude tremor at 7.51 am Wednesday morning, and its vicinity on both sides of the Brahmaputra River in central Assam saw 23 aftershocks. An earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale struck Suntbor at 4.49 pm on Friday, according to the National Seismology Center. Another earthquake with a magnitude of 3.2 struck Suntpur in Assam at 6.27 pm. Professor TG Sitharam, Director of IIT Guwahati and President of the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, said, “Liquefaction – solids that take on a liquid form – is one of the main effects of earthquakes, in which saturated sand and silt behave like a liquid, resulting in a loss of soil strength (becoming loose). A large part of Assam is in the Brahmaputra Valley and other parts bordered by the northeastern Himalayan region, where seismic activity is very high (probability of repeated earthquakes). ”“ Our studies of Assam sand indicated that the shear and damping properties of the soil are strongly influenced by the magnitude of the amplitude of the shear stress (Measuring shape change) It was evident from previous studies that areas in Assam in the Brahmaputra Valley are lower, said Citram, whose group has done extensive work in the Northeast in terms of assessing seismic hazards and soil liquefaction, with the periodic force of sand at the site for a certain number of cycles of initial liquefaction. He also said that the geotechnical studies concluded that the relative density of this soil does not significantly affect the damping rates. Assam has many oil refineries, industries and advanced infrastructure facilities. In the areas under zone 5, the seismic risk in the current situation is very high, and the degree of damage from both primary and secondary effects with multiple hazards occurring simultaneously, will be very high. . Sitharam, who asked the community to be prepared for preparedness and disaster management at all levels, said, “Micro-earthquakes (dividing the earthquake-prone area or potential earthquakes into zones with respect to some geological and geophysical characteristics) should be implemented for urban areas and earthquakes. Resistant design should be applied strictly in these areas. The time-tested old technologies such as Assam log houses should be popularized and encouraged more and more to reduce the risks in this region. On Thursday, Prime Minister Sarbananda Sonowal held a meeting with officials to assess the situation and directed them to collect data on tremors of various amounts since 1896 to examine the nature of their impact to prepare An effective mitigation roadmap for the future: “On being informed of Japan’s success in developing an early earthquake warning system, Sonowal is directed to explore cooperation opportunities with Japan in bringing such technologies into the country,” an official statement reads.

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