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Assam: Rapid increase in Coronavirus cases

Assam: Rapid increase in Coronavirus cases


The ASSAM has reported an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases with a rapid rise in Test Positive Rate (TPR) in the second ongoing wave of infection. The number of active cases increased from 537 cases on April 1 to 23,104 cases on April 29. According to the bulletin issued by the National Health Mission (NHM), Assam has recorded 176 COVID-19 deaths in 29 days since April 1. 0.47% on April 1 to 4.58% on April 29. The highest single-day infection number of 26 was recorded on April 29. Health authorities confirmed the discovery of a double mutant as well as the UK variant of the virus in the state.

A strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale on April 28 and a series of aftershocks raised new concerns for the already exhausted administration and put more pressure on emergency response teams involved in managing COVID-19. At least 10 people were injured and two died from the shock following the earthquake. Residential and government buildings in the city of Guwahati and several towns were damaged, raising concerns about the safety of their occupants. Sand and water flowed from cracks that appeared in the rice fields near Dikyaguli in the Suntpur region, the epicenter of the earthquake, said to be the strongest in six decades. Cracks appeared on many roads and railroad bridges. The Assam State Disaster Management Authority has put forces from the National Disaster Response Force and State Disaster Response Force on high alert.

In an effort to contain the increase in COVID cases, the state government, on April 20, ordered all stores and markets to remain closed from 6 p.m. and imposed a night curfew from April 27 through May 1 to break the chain.

On April 27, the state government authorized all deputy commissioners to order the closure of educational institutions at all levels, hostels and training centers when the cumulative number of cases over 10 days exceeded 300. For Camrup County (Metropolitan), the limit has been set at 1,000 cases in one day, therefore, all educational institutions in Guwahati and other areas of the region have been closed for 15 days from April 26.

The cumulative death toll in Assam due to COVID-19 in the first wave and the current wave has risen to 1281. NHM authorities have not updated data on deaths due to comorbidities and COVID-related complications. The death toll from the second category of people infected with the Coronavirus in the first wave, according to the NHM, was 1,347.

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From April 19 to April 29, Camrup (Metropolitan) region recorded the largest number of cases with 9,286 cases, indicating a sharp rise in the rate of infection in Guwahati and its environs, followed by Dibrugarh with 1,722 cases. Several regions report more than 100 cases per day. Hospitals are becoming saturated due to the high number of cases.

Of the 2,120 beds available for COVID patients in the state, 1,852 had been filled as of April 26. This prompted the Department of Health and Family Welfare to rush to arrange more beds with oxygen support to meet emergency needs. Efforts are continuing to establish 254 beds equipped with oxygen supplies in the parking area of ​​Guwahati Medical College and Hospital by the first week of May.

Health Minister Himanta Pessoa Sarma stated in a tweet that 23,34,513 vaccine doses had been given in the state as of April 29. These doses included 18, 34,673 first doses, and 4,99,840 second doses. The total number of vaccines stored as of the morning of April 30 was 6,65,520, which was expected to last for about a week. The state also has a stock of 25,000 Remdesivir injection vials, of which 2,500 are for private hospitals and 1,000 are for people from Assam residing in other states. The government has set the price for each injection of Remdesivir at Rs 1,568, including GST, for COVID patents in private hospitals.

The state government has announced that vaccination for the 18-44 age group will be free, but the process is unlikely to begin in the first week of May because payments to vaccine manufacturers will only be possible after the new government is installed. Sarma announced that the government will use 118 crores of rupees deposited in Assam Arogya Nidhi, the fund collected during the first wave of the pandemic through donations from individuals and organizations, to purchase vaccines for the 18-44 age group. The state spent Rs 1,200 crore during the first wave.

Health experts attributed the increase in the number of cases to a violation of the COVID standards of covering up and maintaining an effective distance during election rallies and Rongali Bihu functions, as well as daily gatherings in public places such as markets. The Minister of Health was criticized for announcing during the election campaign that there is no infection with Corona virus in the state and there is no need to wear face masks. The three-stage assembly elections were held on March 27, April 1 and April 6, after which the Rongali Bihu celebrations were held in mid-April.

Home quarantine is mandatory

On April 21, the government decided to make seven days of home quarantine mandatory for all passengers arriving by flights and trains from outside the state even if the result of the COVID test taken upon arrival is negative. In addition to passenger testing at all airports and railway stations, mandatory COVID screening has been carried out at Srirampur and Chagolia screening centers on the Assam-West Bengal border for travelers and truck passengers. Home quarantine committees have been formed in villages, urban gatherings, and residential complexes with permission to file a complaint with the police in case anyone violates home quarantine.

CcOVID’s 430-bed Care Center has become functional in Sarusajai Stadium, Guwahati. Another 1,000-bed center is being constructed on a private campus in the city.

Sarma claims that the country has an excess of oxygen with 10 oxygen plants operating at full capacity. Daily oxygen production increased to 67.8 tons against the daily requirement of 20 tons. The country has expanded its oxygen storage capacity to 468 tons.

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Work has begun to establish intensive care units in 24 district hospitals as part of the Assam Critical Care Project after the first wave of the epidemic. In September 2020, the Health Department appointed 1,000 nurses and 215 ICU technicians. They are trained in intensive care units housed in medical colleges in the state so that they can be deployed to county hospitals.

After the rapid increase in cases in all provinces, there is an increasing demand to postpone the Category X Board Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam, and the 12th Term Exam conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary Education in Assam. The exams are due to start on May 11. Sarma, who is also the education minister, told media workers that the new government would have to make a decision about the conduct of the exams. Maintaining two major decisions, the actual date of the start of vaccination for the 18-44 age group and the postponement of board exams, pending say a lot about the future political power game and the challenges facing the new government.


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